16: Board

983 77 10

Edited/re-written on 10/06/23

"Oh wow, the bakery department is really into this" Zoe spoke as she watched from beside you as the talent show had begun with the bakery dept as the leader for it.

You laughed with the rest of the departments as you watched the baking dept.

"I'm glad we're not near the front, if one of those knives slipped out of the hands of one of the baking dept, I can only imagine what would happen". The two girls shivered at the thought, giving silent prays to whoever may be at the front.

From the front, Vin Jin and his gang cursed whoever put them at the front.

'It's those sunglasses fault!'

The MC for the night, congratulated the baking dept for their outstanding performance and then welcomed the beauty department onto the stage.

Mira, Zoe and you all looked at the multicoloured hair of beauty dept, only that dept was allowed to dye their hair, so it was refreshing to see their coloured hair. Well of course you had Jays blonde hair but, no one knew if it was dyed or not, that was one of the seven mysteries of J high school.

The beauty dept finished off their department's dance which got a round of applause from the audience, though some of the girl population of the crowd wanted to see Eli who didn't dance at all.

"The girls' hair we're all so pretty, if you could dye your hair any colour what would it be?" Zoe asked, Yui had managed to come closer and butt into the conversation.

"Any colour Zack would prefer." She answered right away making Zoe scoff and ignore her, Zoe turned to you and Mira staring at you guys with a questioning look.

A slight chuckle left the lips of both of you, Yui huffed but returned her attention back onto Zack who was now watching Mira and you.

"I personally like my hair now, so I don't think I would dye it even if I could." You replied motioning to your hair. "Though I do like the colour brown when it comes to hair."

Zoe pouted while Mira smiled, Zoe played with her black hair huffing slightly.

"I think maybe a light pink or red that would suit me, well I hope it would suit me?" Mira played with her hair that was in an off the shoulder plate.

You pictured the girl with pink hair, pink like the pink jacket she wore that time when you saw her at the library, you thought it would look nice on her, so you gave her a nod of your head.

"What about you Zoe? If you had the option to would you?" Mira and you synchronized when asking her, the girl thought for a minute before nodding her head.

"I think blue, but make it a dark blue." You two nodded at her words.

"Now welcome to the stage, Duke Pyeon!!"

You all turned your attention onto the stage and listened to duke as he got many cheers and praised for doing such a good job.

"Fashion dept, go backstage now and get ready for your turn, let's give it up for Duke!!" The MC said making you confused, did your dept have something.

"Huh, we didn't know about this?" Daniel said as the group of fashion dept students made their way backstage as the group preforming made some noise.

The whole class was left backstage as the teacher left them to let them prepare for the show.

The class stood in silence for a moment, they haven't even prepared a talent, all day after they had arrived was play bonding games and exercise.

After a good minute of being silent, Doo decided he would speak.

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