3: Food rush

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Edited/re-written on 10/05/23

The next day rolled around quickly and people in your class acted like nothing had happened the day prior. It was Wednesday now and you were still so tired, and what was worse is that you decoded to use the bathroom before class started only for the one near your department to be broken.

"Ya'd think that they'd fix it over the holidays." Grumbling left your mouth as you rolled your shoulders back, they were sore and in need of some movement.

You read over the sign on the bathrooms' door.



Great so you needed to pee, and you had to walk over there before the bell rings for lunch. Your morning was off to a great start.

With heavy legs dragging you down you managed your way over to the other side of the stairwell, with earphones plugged into your phone, a familiar tune of a popular artist played making you slightly bop your head along to it and forget about the walk you had.

Well that was until the music on your phone stopped playing and the sound of your ringtone went off loudly in your ears. Jumping slightly at the loud sound you cursed out whoever decided to ring you now.

You paused in your walking to take a look at the caller only to frown when you saw the name, you contemplated letting it go to voice mail but knowing the caller they would enter the school just to get your ass to answer.

With a sigh, you took the earphones out of the phone and pocketed them. You hated taking calls with earphones on. You swiped on the green Icon and continued to walk forward. You brought the phone close to your ear.

"What'd ya want?"

The caller on the other end began to speak.

"What took ya so fuckin' long?"

If you couldn't tell who this was before. It was your beloved childhood friend, Taehoon Seong. The person you had known the longest on this earth, yes longer than Elijah or your parents. You'd met him when you were one or something, not like you remember it though.

You'd gone to the same kindergarten, primary and middle school. If anyone were to know more about you other than yourself, it would be him, this also works vice versa. Taekwondo was both your martial arts forte, you were both called prodigies, god you hated being called that. Both of you were offered to fight for max FC, but only he chose to go in the end.

You clicked your tongue at him.

"What, is waitin' a couple second too much for the great Taehoon Seong." You spoke his name in a sarcastic tone of voice, you passed the comics and animation dept classrooms.

Hearing an aggravated scoff from the other line, a smirk swept over your face.

"Bitch." With a sigh from Taehoon he continued and brushed your comment away. "Ya dumbass forgot ya jacket at the dojang on Monday. I'll pick ya up from school tomorrow and if I feel like it, I might give it ta ya."

That made no sense but sense at the same time. You face morphed into one of confusion as you listened to him talk.

Though as you walked past the Vocal and dance department you failed to notice the figures watching you.

"She may be hotter than you Mary." Vin spoke, a smirk appeared on his lips as he said that waiting to get a reaction from the blonde on his left. To be honest Vin and Mary were planning on heading to the canteen to see if they could get some breakfast bu Vin got distracted by you walking by.

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