10: Chick

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Edited/Re-written on 03/06/23

With Zoe's arm forcefully wrapped around your neck, you had no other choice but to be dragged towards her other friends.

"Girls shall we go to karaoke?" Zoe asked her arm still forcefully wrapped around your neck.

"Zoe! As much as I'd like that, I have work to go to. If ya want to ya can hang out there with me, I'm sure Hansoo wouldn't mind." you tried to wriggle yourself out of the shorter girl's surprisingly strong grip.

"Sure why not!" A girl who was in Zoe's friend group said with a smile on her face "Big bang's new single is banging". Zoe ignored the struggles of the other girl and smiled.

With a fake smile on her face, Yui let out a giggle as she spoke. "I'm not into singing. I wanna go shopping."

"Oh? Yeah okay, let's go?" One of Zoe's friends also said. "O-okay, Yui, I prefer shopping."

"Yay! Coffee's on me"

Noticing that Zoe's grip faltered, you took it as an opportunity to get out. "They sure switch up fast." You could tell that Zoe's friends were sucking up to Yui. Seeing how she has the most followers on Paprika TV and is a popular streamer, deeming her the girl with the most influence in the school's standards. Making people suck up to her so they don't become an outcast

"Zoe don't take their shit, come with me to work, and I'll teach ya somethin' to defend yerself with." You really didn't care if the others heard you, it didn't matter to you if they did after all you doubt you'd talk to any of them for more than a second.

"Huh?" She sounded confused as she looked up at you. A smile was on her face in a split second. "Stop being silly y/n, let's go shopping it's always fun."

With a sigh you shook your head, "Like I said before, got work. Call me if you need something, or just call me in general". You said then whispered into the shorter girls' ear.

"Don't just take this. One day Mira and I'll go to karaoke with ya after school." After saying that you pat her head and then walked out the classroom.

"What?" Zoe stood still before her friends called out to her gaining her attention.

"Oh coming!"


"Hey ya wouldn't mind if my friend joined the class, she'd start at white belt stuff obviously but I thought she could join if she needed someone to hang out with." The sweat was wiped off your neck as if it hadn't been there moments prior.

"Sound like a lonely piece of shit, as long as they pay and don't get in the way I don't care." Taehoon said while wiping his own sweat of his neck with a crisp white towel.

Scoffing you looked over at the brown-haired male, "Just 'cause ya don't have friends doesn't mean ya can shit talk mine. Ya really only started getting back into training recently, did ya fight with Hobin really effect ya that much?"

A glare was quickly sent your way, "Don't talk about that piece of shit in front of me."

Rolling your eyes you made your way over to the laundry room and placed your towel into the machine, "Chuck me yar towel.

Being quite compliant, Taehoon chucked his towel and uniform your way, catching it you placed his towel and uniform in with your own and started the cycle.

Standing up from the small washing machine, you made a grab your stuff and started walking out the dojangs door.

"I'm gonna head out now. This time take both of them out when they're finished not just yer one."

From behind you Taehoon called out.

"Do it yerself."


Walking down the streets was peaceful, some shops were still open illuminating light on the darkish street. Many couples walked hand-in-in hand.

"If it's pouring down on a gloomy night, take a seat in an old bar~" The sound of a familiar voice made you look towards the way it came from.

"With a glass of herbal whiskey and listen to the deep sound of the sax~" The familiar yellow jacket gave away who it was. Gaeul the editor behind Viral Hits channel. Noticing she had hit her foot against a lamppost you went over to cheek if she was okay.

"Are ya okay Gaeul?" A punch came your way making you catch it to avoid it. Okay maybe sneaking up behind her at night wasn't the best case.

"Oh my bad didn't mean to frighten ya. Don't know if ya remember, but I'm Y/n we met about a month an a half ago." Gaeul flushed from embarrassment as you spoke she avoided eye contact as she spoke.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know it was you."

You let out a slight chuckle, "No worried I would've done the same, especially late at night. Now is yer foot okay, I saw the battle with the lamppost. I 'ave some ointment in my bag if ya want it?"

Oh, great not only did you see her foot hit the lamppost bur you even offered to check it out, she decided to lie her foot hurt like hell when ever she moved it. "It's completely fine, doesn't hurt at all."

Giving Gaeul a look, you sighed and crouched down for the girl. "Don't lie, here hop on and I'll drop ya off at yer house."

'Huh? what's even happening right now?' Gaeul didn't know what to think of the situation. She was currently on your back while you carried her home.

"Y-you really didn't have to do this I could've walked home myself " Gaeul whispered due to the embarrassment she was feeling of being carried.

From the corner of your eye you gave her a look and frowned. "And risk ya hurting yerself even more, no way. It's too late at night for ya to be out alone anyway. I 'll make sure ya get home safe and sound."

What about you, it's late and you're alone late at night." Gaeul asked, though she was a little bummed about meeting her bosses love interest, meeting you made her feel a little better even if you were just worrying about her.

"Don't worry about me, I've been doing this for ages. I know my way around here, I can defend myself too." She made it past a couple who were busy snogging in an alleyway.

"I can defend myself too!" Gaeul spoke with a lot of enthusiasm making you laugh a little.

She reminded you of a chick, especially with the yellow jacket and cute face of hers. "Yer a little chick. I've known these streets for my whole life I think I'm better off." Gaeul flushed once again and mumbled something that you couldn't quiet figure out.

"This one yers?" You stopped your walking and pointed to a small run-down house much like your own. 'Oh gosh why'd I let her take me home.' Gaeul let out a muffled yes sound making you continue walking while Gaeul tried getting of you.

"You don't have to take me to the door, I'll be fine."

"I said I'll drop ya off, so stay on until we get there." You continued your walk as she protested yet failed as you finally dropped her by the door. You grabbed your phone from your pocket and handed it to her.

"I have Snapper and Hobin's number. All I need is yers little chick. Just in case ya wanna hangout sometimes.

"A-ah sure." The mention of Hobin's name made her frown a bit, she took the phone and put in her number.

"Thanks tell me if yer foot hurts and I'll come by and help, see ya." As she walked away she turned around and said.

While walking away, you turned around and called out to her.

"Hey chick! Ya have a really nice signing voice much like a person I know." With that you were gone once again.

'O-oh she heard that, ahh that's so embarrassing.' Gaeul stood by the door of her house with a red face and widened eyes.

Though she was feeling better being in the presence of you, it made her forget about what had happened earlier.

"Gaeul who was that." A voice rather familiar spoke from behind her

"A-ah dad, it was no one, I have no idea who you're talking about haha goodnight." She sped past her dad and went straight to her room ready to beat up her kitty plush.

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