4: Loan sharks & drinks

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Edited/re-written on 11/05/23

TW: Under-aged drinking/smoking

The wind blew softly on your clothes skin and ruffled your hair slightly. It was a pretty warm September evening, so the wind didn't bother you much, in fact you quite enjoyed it.

Turning the familiar corner into the run down alleyway, you held your tote bag slightly tighter. The faint lights of the restaurant flickered with barely any life left in them.

The restaurant was owned by a middle-aged woman, but she really didn't care if you were under-age or not, she'd still serve you.

This was your go-to place to meet with the pesky loan sharks and pay off a bit of the debt every month. Today you would be paying the same amount of money as you always did it, you were just half way done paying the debt, but you've been trying to pay it off for years, since your first year of middle school.

Kang, who was your father decided after borrowing a shit ton of money he would leave you and Elijah. Your mother was no longer alive at this point as she succumbed to an unknown illness. So from the young age of fourteen you had to take care of yourself and Elijah who was only twelve at that time. Lets just say during your younger years you disliked what you did, mainly your middle school years, though there were a few highlights here and there but they barely lasted long enough.

The only reason you are paying off the loan and not Kang, was because the asshole left your details and said that you would pay, of course you tried to find him but nothing happened, so you were left no choice but to pay otherwise who knows what they could do to you and Elijah. At the age of 14 you could take down a grown man five even, even younger as well, but you didn't really know the organisation that they worked for, and you didn't want to put Elijah in danger.

You walked up the stairs to the restaurant, you were wearing a long sleeved white blouse with a couple pockets, slightly ripped black jeans. Your normal black scuffed sneakers were on, and you wore a black face mask.

Opening the door to the warm restaurant, you could smell the alcohol and cigarette smoke from a mile away. With a sigh you failed to notice a familiar classmate of yours sitting a few tables away from the one you would normally sit.

Though she had yet to notice you aswell. You walked to your table you would normally sit at and sat down, in less than a minute the owner came over to you with a bottle of original Soju and two shot glasses.

You unmasked your self and gave her a thank-you smile as she set them down, "Thanks ma'am."

She smiled at you and winked, "It's on the house tonight, you've been coming here since you were little so take dear."

"Thank ya again."

"Any time dear." With that she walked away and continued to serve other customers.

Your gaze was brought back to the entrance of the restaurant as you noticed two familiar figures emerge from the door, both with alit cigarettes in their mouths.

First you notice Sung-Ho, who was 5'8 in height and rounder. He wore a black hoodie and grey sweatpants and the usual cocky smirk that laced his face. His teeth stained slightly yellow and black hair was cut in its buzz cut.

The second you noticed was Seo-Yun who was taller as he was 5'11 and built like a stick. He wore a red jumper and blue jeans. His brown hair was cut into a messy middle part and his brown eyes were hidden by round spectacles.

They noticed that you were there before them and made their way over to the table, but what caught your attention was the four teenagers that entered after the two middle-aged men.

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