20: An offer?

940 62 4

Edited/re-written on 11/06/23

A rush of air made its way through your hair as you ran as fast as you could, you did not want to jump over the gates again especially with this crappy arm of yours. The reason behind why you were running was because you were most definitely late to school.

When you got home from the date yesterday you had been too tired and forgotten to set an alarm on your phone, and that being said is the reason you are running to school.

Your feet barely kept on the floor for long before it was off in the air again then back on the floor, you took long strides, you huffed and puffed the air out of your lungs and were in dire need of a drink of water.

Cursing the stupid school for having such early morning classes you raised your good hand up to the sun and pulled the finger at it, why should there be sun. Okay so you were possibly not a morning person but who could blame you.

Your school tie wasn't being compliant this morning, so it messily hung loose around your neck, you would fix it when you get to school which would be in a few minutes.

Your bag was hung over one shoulder weirdly and repetitively kept hitting your back as you ran which was annoying, you were close to just throwing your bag out of sight, but you didn't.

In the centre of Seoul, many cars drive past every day. Many people walk on the footpaths each day. The majority of the high school students should be in class at the moment but there are of course the drop-outs or the students who are late.

With another major puff of air you ran past the gate which was close to closing, but you slipped through the gap and were safely in the school's premises. The guard look at what ran past him but only found a trek of dust, with a sigh he closed the gate on many students who were late.

"Sorry kiddos, rules are rules. But I won't tell if you jump the wall." He whispered the last part.


As you made it into the school halls you sprinted past the reception, you were late but only by a couple of minutes, so all they should've done by now was doing the register and just gotten the class to be quiet, that is if the teacher was on time.

You ran past the other department till you came to a stop at your own classroom's department door, instead of going to the front door which would take you to the teachers' podium and the front of the class, you went to the back door and peeked through a crack to see if he was their teaching.

You were not really surprised when you saw that he was late again, he has a habit of being late to class which would explain the fights and chatter in your class most of the time. You were about to open the door until you heard your name being called behind you.

An ear-piercing shriek escaped your mouth as you turned around and saw your teaching looking up at you in a disapproving manner. The sound of chatter in your classroom was no more, not even a single sound could be heard.

Your face heated up out of embarrassment of the sound you just made, you were also really close to accidentally striking the teacher with your foot, it's a good thing you have a good control over your body.

You gave a small cough as if that would cover for your loud shriek from before, you looked back at your teacher, it was then did you notice another person beside him. A shorter person than the teacher.

She was wearing the girl's uniform and the school's blue blazer. She had long black hair and black eyes that were hidden behind glasses with thick lenses. A red clip, clipped her bangs away from her face and showed her plump lips and chubby cheeks. She was rather pudgy and short, she wore a pair of pale pink sneakers.

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