5: Viral hit

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Edited/re-written on 14/05/23

TW: Violence

School was actual pretty normal today, it was nearing the end of the day and no fights happened, no detention and you actually were learning stuff. It was going great.

"Now X would equal B+C over A, do you all understand" The teacher said looking at the students. The students replied with a hum or a small yes. " I hope you're not lying this will be on the test".

The teacher continued to teach all through till a bell went off. Students pushed their books, pens or loose papers into their bags and immediately got up from their seat and walked out the door.

Making your way down to the front of your school, some of your classmates gossiped from behind you.

"Didn't that Newtube streamer, Viral hit say, well more like his cameraman said that they were gonna take down some big hit bully?" Their conversation intrigued you quite a bit, you'd have heard of Viral hit before but only watched his second stream with this guy named Pakgo.

He was the average looking wimp nerd type-guy, who gets bullied at school. Nothing much to him compared to others but...you shouldn't judge a book on its cover.

With a sigh, you lifted your head from the ground and spotted the familiar light brown hair that was cut into a mullet. Taehoon was leaning his back against the wall of the school's entrance. Students whispered and pointed his way.

"You think he's here for his girlfriend?"
"Who cares about that, he's so fine."
"Especially pulling off the mullet look."
"I know right!"

Mentally cursing Taehoon for bringing unneeded attention to himself, you thought about just avoiding him but decided against it. Sighing once more, you made your way over to the tall male in front of your school grounds.

The others whispered as you got closer to the boy, it seems he heard the whispers because his head perked up from his phone and looked your way. When you were about a couple feet away from Taehoon a familiar jacket came flying towards your face.

With fast reflexes, you quickly stopped your jacket from hitting your face and scoffed at Taehoon. Your eyes scanned over the jacket, a fresh clean smell came from the green fabric indicating that it had been washed. The fabric felt like soft cotton in your hands, much different than how it had been before.

Within a second that jacket had been placed in your bag, with a role of your eyes you looked Taehoon in the eyes and spoke.

"Thanks for that unnecessary action."

He smirked slightly at you, he had already started to walk a head making you walk slightly faster to catch up to him, with a huff you follow after him and then soon beside him.

"Why'd she go to him?"
"Are they dating."
"He could do better to be honest"
"I think she looked hot."

Once you were out of ear-shot the whispers started and the two holding their attention were Taehoon and you.



Taehoon looked at you from the corner of his eye, you guys had been walking less than ten minutes now but since you both had long legs you were far away from the school.

"I don't have delivery after class tonight, ya wanna hit the arcade?" Walking side by side, you looked at your phone for the time and saw you had about forty-five minutes till your class started, though you'd get there at least fifteen minutes earlier.

"Sure, you got 500 won?"

With a scoff you looked through your pockets and puled out a couple 500 won coins and passed them up to the boy. He gladly took them and stuffed them into his pocket.

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