19: An actual date!

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Edited/re-written on 11/06/23

A/N: Before we start I kinda describe an outfit but I know it is not everyone's style, so you can change it if you would like. Ps, this is mainly what most girls in my school would wear on a non-uniform day.

The shadows paraded the park like usual, the birds tweeted to each other as if to say they were going home. The people at the park chatted till dusk fell, then they parted ways.

It was a couple of days after you got back from camp, so currently a weekend and less than a day before your date with Vasco. Currently, you were doing your last run for the night, your boss was letting you finish earlier than usual.

You had one last order to deliver, two pizzas and a bottle of Sprite.

Except now that order was spilled on the road, your delivery scooter skidded to a stop dragging you along with it.

The reason you were now falling to the hard concrete ground was because some dumb ass with a bowl cut decided to jump right in front of your scooter, causing you to swerve to the side at a fast pace and lose control of the vehicle.

A sharp pain shot through your shoulder as you landed on it, you rolled off the scooter and landed on it oddly. You were lucky you were wearing your helmet or else something worse could've happened.

Oh but something bad happened indeed, a pop could be heard from your shoulder and severe amount of pain could be felt from that very shoulder, a pained gasp escaped your mouth as you bit your lip to stop you from making it louder.

You knew that sound quite well, not like you've ever had one before just given them to people. What you had now, was a dislocated shoulder, and it hurt like hell.

You gritted your teeth as you looked at the food you were supposed to deliver, the bottle, and boxes of pizza slipped out of its bag and were scattered along the floor, cheesy pizza slices scattered. The drink you could salvage but everything else would be pointless.

Biting your lip a tad bit harder, you got up from the ground without the help of your hands, the pain kept coming in waves.

Just up ahead of you, was the bowl-haired boy, who was holding his phone out like he was taking a video, or streaming. Which he probably was, everyone seemed to be a streamer or something like that nowadays.

"OMG guys, it's Viral Hook here, and I almost got killed, I was walking across this crossing when this crazy person on a scooter came out of nowhere and nearly ran me over." The guy who was streaming to his followers said, he placed a hand on his heart as if to indicate he was shocked.

[ViralHook_Bbg: OMG, That person should be in jail >:( !!]
[Louis_Vbritannia: Stay safe, you don't deserve this!]
[VHit_no.1: SHAME!]
[ViralHoOks_T03: Watch out, behind you!!]

As the guy kept talking shit, you ignored the pain in your shoulder and got to walking towards him, his followers must've warned him, or he heard your footsteps 'cause he turned around just as you were going to tap his shoulder.

He was shorter than you if he slouched, but if he stood straighter he would only be a small bit taller than you, really scrawny, very punchable face and stupid looking hair. Massive glasses and thick arched eyebrows. He wore a yellow and black uniform.

You looked at his phone, if you squinted your eyes, you would be able to see people telling you to go to jail or even to die.

'Kinda happy for this helmet now.' It was a normal red helmet with a tinted visor keeping your face from being seen.

"How about ya cut the cameras off and stop fuckin' lyin'"

Pain does stuff to people, most dislike it (you included), some enjoy it, some get satisfaction from it. In other words they get off on it.

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