13: Money

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Edited/re-written on 08/06/23

"If I were a bug, I'd wanna be the black widow spider. Ya wanna know why?" Asking the shorter girls beside you, they looked at you with confusion.

It was the next day at school and Mira, Zoe and you sat at Zoe's desk talking about random topics. There were many other students.

"I mean, ya would be able to make a spider's web and crawl around it without getting stuck, ya would be able to protect yerself with just a bite, and lastly I would finally get a something to do with an hourglass." You smiled at your friends, who nodded their heads, not knowing what else to say.

Noticing the door to the classroom opened, you looked behind the two girls, who were now talking to each other. Namsoo walked in with a bandage over his right eyebrow and a swollen cheek. You got up from your seat, telling the girls you'll be back soon.

Walking over to Namsoo who was in front of Daniel and Zack's desk, you spoke from behind him. "Did ya get enough rest, ya kinda lost consciousness before I could ask what happened" Namsoo turned around and avoided eye-contact while mumbling he was fine.

"They stole it all?" Zack spoke from behind Namsoo making you turn to look at the two boys at the desk. Namsoo flinched a little but continued to look at Zack. "You must've been scared. I really should have gone, it's my fault."

Namsoo had legitimate tears coming out of his eyes when he heard Zack, "I hope you aren't lying to me." Zack said with a glare.

"Good afternoon, ya two." You smiled at the two boys that sat behind their desks.

"Good afternoon Y/n." Daniel smiled at you and waved, while Zack waved with a small blush while muttering a small 'afternoon'.

"Though I don't know the full story, I doubt Namsoo would just get beaten up for no reason. I did find him in an alley way, bruised and bloody, sobbing." You said, sitting on the corner of Daniel's desk. The male looked at the desk with sweat rolling down his head.

"You were there?" Daniel asked while Zack talked to Yui, who had shown up. You shook your head while looking down at the boy, "I only showed up after the damage had been done, I was in that part of town when I heard him." The boy nodded and turned his attention towards Namsoo and Yui.

She had actually been calmer now and changed her attention from Daniel to Zack much to the classes confusion and Zacks disappointment.

"You still have their messenger contact?" Yui asked while pulling out his phone and pulling up a picture of a pretty brunette-haired girl.

"Wow! It was a girl?" Daniel asked while Namsoo shook his head."No. I thought it was a girl, but a bunch of guys showed up with her." Zack grumbled while glaring at Namsoo.

"That fake phone is worth money. They'll max its use till they're reported. Let's find their number on Craigslist." Yui explained while looking at the phone.

"Fuck, that's a lot!" You exclaimed out in shock with Daniel as you looked at the fake items for sale. Yui suggested for Zack to use his phone and text them, to which he agreed, and now they were taking a photo of Jiho for a profile pic.

"Now we have to message them as if we're buyers?" Zack asked while Yui told him to say to meet him in person.

Not even a minute later, they replied and told them to meet at Gian station. "Huh? They told me Gian station was a half-way meet up?" Namsoo gulped down the bile that was coming back up. Yui explained that they must live near the station and lied.

Zack stood up from his seat and spoke "Let's go" and his three friends agreed and got up from their seats as well.

"I can go alone," Zack said, which made you roll your eyes. "Oh come on, someone who says 'let's go' wouldn't normally say that if they wanted to go alone, so who's paying for the food, dibs not." You said, walking next to Daniel.

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