7: Familiar people

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Edited/re-written on 27/05/23

TW: Harassment, fighting, mention of blood

Chatter was bouncing around the classroom when you walked through the door. You had no doubt that they had seen the video that had been floating about you on most social media platforms. But was that anything new to you? People chatting about you.

"What the hell, you're wearing the same kicks again." Zack spoke while he looked down on Namsoo, making the boy flinch to avoid Zacks eyes.

"Sorry, I forgot."

"I told you not to wear those. We look like a couple and its annoying."

"Sorry." Namsoo looked up to meet Zacks eyes.

He knows that he's smarter than him hence given Zacks stats in Namsoo's mind.

Appearance: 9
Height: 10
Brain: 1
Skill: 9
Athletics: 10
Fighting: 9

Zack looked back down at Namsoo, but much to his shock Zack turned around. "Ah whatever, it's not my business anyway."

Zack turned to his three idiots who were being idiots as normal and told them to leave Jiho and Namsoo alone.

A slight chuckle left your mouth as you watched the scene, what a change. So why wouldn't you comment.

"Look at that, yar changing. Congrats." A chuckle came from behind Namsoo making him turn around and look up. You were sitting on your desk while glancing at Zack, an eyebrow raised and a smirk on your face.

Zack looked at you with a huff before turning around to face his goons again, a soft pink on his ears.

Namsoo continued to look at you, his sorta-smart yet dumb brain analysed you.

Appearance: 9
Height: 10
Brain: 7.5
Skill: 9
Athletic: 10
Fighting: 10

Though his attention on you barely lasted longer than a minute before he gasped at Jay who was once again glancing out the window again. His eyes zoned on the chrome hearts on his fingers, the expansive brand watch and brand shoes he wheres.

Appearance: ?
Height: 10
Brain: ?
Skill: ?
Athletics: ?
Fighting: ?

"That was odd." You mumble into your hand as you focused on Jay who turned to look at you.

Your eyes brushed past his hand only to notice that his hand was covered in Chrome hearts today. This wasn't new per say, but he would normally only have a couple but today all his finger were covered in them.

"Hey Jay, Why'd ya put a lot of Chrome hearts in your hands today." Jay nodded his head and began explaining.

"Ya felt like it?"
"Are they heavy?"
"Not really?"
"Nah, ya brought 'em. I heard they're expensive. I'd probably end up sellin' 'em."
"How'd I lose an argument to someone who doesn't speak. Fine just one though."

Jay took two C#rome hearts off and gave them to you. "Jay we agreed on one" Jay continued to 'look' at you, until he put the two rings into your school bag, then turned to look out the window.

You could only look at Jay in disbelief, then you focused on the new person who entered the classroom. Daniel walked into the classroom and sat down next to Zack, Daniel said hi to Zack, but Zack turned around and ignored him and told him not to look and Mira and you much to your disbelief.

You've only had a quick conversation with Daniel before. In your eyes he seems like a generally nice person whos unfortunately quite naive. He kinda reminds you of the Daniel Park at the corner store. You made a metal note to visit the boy again on your next shift.

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