Chapter 1

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(ANGIES P) I wake up and the sun is shining and the birds are tweeting. I go up and take a blue dress on and a brown belt and high heels. And my hair on my shoulders. I looked a last time in the mirror. And walked down the
Stairs. And i saw, Violetta, ramallo
And German. I go and sit next to German and sad:
- Goodmorning, With a big smile
- Godmorning sad, violetta and ramallo.
I looked at German that just looked at me and walked away to his Office. Ramallow walked to the kitchen for some coffe.
I took a sandwich and asked violetta:
- what is it with youre father?
- i don't know, i think he is normal, what?
- did you see how he looked at me, do you think he is mad at me?

-No Angie, why wood he?
- i don't know, do you think i should ask him?
- yea do it after breakfast Then you can come to the Studio later. Look at the clock i have to go, bye!
- see you There, Vilu.
Then she walked.
After i drank my tea, i walked to Germans Office.
I knocked and walked in.
- hi German, dom't you whant some breakfast i saw you walked away so i wonder if you where hungry?
And then i sat on the chair in front of his desk

- No Angie i am not hungry,
He sounded angry.
- Where is Esmeralda?
- At work.
Is he angry at me? I a
Sad to myself
-Ok what is it, Sad i.
- What do you mean?
- I mean that you are so angry at me, have i Done something wrong?
- No No, No Angie is not you.
- But what is it then?
- is just that........
-Yea what? you kan talk to me aboute everything.
- is just that esmeralda and i had a fight yesterday, And she is so angry at me, and i don't Know what to do?
I was sad for him but happy for the fight still, but i had to Help him.
- First you have to Know that
It's totally normal to fight in a relatshionchip. And that you don't have to be worryd becuse if she loves you she will forgive you.
-But.... Sad German befor interrupted him.

- I promise, it's all gonna be fine, i sad and took his hands gently. He looked at me and i released his hands and walked up to him and hugged him he hugged me back tight.
And then guess who's coming in........

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