Chapter 7

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Then Angie walked away...
German running after her and take her arm gently.
- Angie let me explain.
- what, what do you have to explain, you pretended to be Jeremias i opened my feelings for you, and i almost kissed you, and then you kissed me? what kind of person does what you did?

- I'm sorry it was for Violetta i did not trust her and i whanted to be cloes to her.sad Herman.

- so that makes you to dress up to another guy and fool us all?

- i'm sorry that was why i leaved the school i did not whant you to get hurt.

- so i look okey now, do you think so?
- look i didin't whant this to happend i.... Sad herman but Angie stopped him

- Herman i need to ask you... What do you whant?
- i whant you.... Then he kissed her and Angie pulled away fast. ok Herman stop hurting me, okay, it is the best for all of us.
Then she walked away straight home.
And German just stood there for a wile the he walked to his car and drove home.


Next day i waked up in the sofa it was a hard day yesterday. I am so tierd but i go up from the sofa get dressed and head to the casillo hause to pick Vilu up.
When i'm there i knock on the dorr and walk in.
- Hi Vilu sad Angie to violetta that sat at the table.
- Hi Angie how are you?
- eeee... Good and you?
- Just fine.
-Come let's go to the studio sad Angie.
- ok i just gonna go get my bag at my room.
Then Violetta walked to her room.
And the Herman came out of his Office.
- Ooo.... Hi Angie
- hi sad Angie fast.
- Angie i Know you are angry at me but please don't tell Violetta she wood never forgive me.

- eeeee... Ok i promise i whant tell her.
- Thanks Angie, do you think you kan forgive me for beeing so dumb to you?

- we shall see sad Angie and walked to the dorr. When Violetta walked down the stairs.
Vilu sad bye to her dad and they walked to the Studio.
I walked to the teacher-room there where: Pablo, Antonio and Beto.
- hi guys.
-hi sad all of the boys.
-So do You think the show will Be good? Asked Angie Antonio.
- yes i hope it will be very good.
- have you a date for the show.
- yea it will be aboute a month and a half.
-Ok good then we have time to prepare.
- yea we have much the Songs the story for the show, sad Pablo.
- yea but i think we will make it in time sad Beto.
- well i have class now so bye sad Angie.

- Bye, sad Pablo.

After the studio i took Vilu home then we arrived to the hause, we walked in then i sad bye we hugged and walked to her room.
I walked to the kitchen to get some wather, then German comes with flowers in his hands he stands on one knee in front of me.

- Angie i'm so sorry for beeing so stupid , i was a fool and i shouldent treated you and Violetta like that. but i can't think or eat or work when i Know you hate me, can you please forgive me.

- Herman you are a drama-Queen, and may the cutes person i ever meet. Ofcoures i forgive you.
she sad then she took the flawors.
- Thanks she sad and kissed Hermans cheek.
- O i have to go home, see you tomorrow.
- see you tomorrow he sad with a big, BIG grin.

Okay it's a littel bit strange but i think i have fallen i love with Angie again. It is crasy.


I am on the studio and working on a new song.
And the a good friend of mine comes in......

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