Chapter 22

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GERMANS P// i see Angie has fallen asleep in my arms she looks so cute when she sleep.
I am So angry at Pablo how could she do that to Angie?
I hope it's going ro be fine couse i care aboute her and i don't whant her to be sad. She heald me tight. While i was walking up the stairs.
I walked in to her room and
layed her down in her bed, and took of her shooes and her necklace. Then i took the cover on.
I looked at her and released what she had been through and she must be exusted.
I felt Sorry for her. So i sat up from my shear next to the bed and kissed her head. And then i sit in the shear for the rest of the night.

I wake up in my room then i look besides me and see, HERMAN sitting in a shear asleep. Now i remember. I fell asleep. He must has tooken me to my bed. While i was asleep.
I sneak out of my bed and took some new clothes on. Then i walk to Herman and wispered.
- Herman? Herman?
Then he Wakes up and look at me.
- you fall asleep. I Said to Herman.
- Yea i surly did.
- you Know i did not need your help. I Said a little angry.
- i Know but i could not just leave you out there.
- But Herman... Ooo look at the clock we have to go for breakfast.
- Yea. Said Herman and looked at the clock.
- look you have to get our now because violetta and Esmeralda and the others can't see you her.
- Yea i should get going.
He sit up in his shear and we stand so close to each other.
- But thank you. i wispered.
- No problem. He wispered and left.

He sneaked out of my door and walked down the stairs. And i walked out when i saw him sitting on the table.
-God morning i said.
- Godmorning Said Vilu and Herman that was sitting on the table.
- Angie where, was you last night i saw you left the table but i did not see you for the rest of the night. Asked Vilu.

I looked at Herman then he looked at me.
- i was out in the park to meet.. Pablo.
- okey, yea, Ooo my bag is up stairs coming in a minute.
She left and i looked at Herman.
- Herman thanks but..
- but what i did just Help you because i care about you. He Said and took his hand over mine that was on the table.

- Yea, thats the thing, i Said and took away my hand.
- you can't always be the one that saves me.
- i know, i Know but..
- but nothing, thanks but i have to learn to be on my own.
Then violetta came and we left.

--------At the studio------

We arrived and Vilu walked to her friends. And the i walked in to the teacher room and see.. Pablo.
I was aboute to walk then he see me.

- Angie whait!
- What is it i say angry.
- Please Angie i am so sorry he says and try to take my arm.
- NO! Don't touch me!
- please Angie i'm so sorry i was drunk And i..
- No! I don't whant you to bother me anymore.
- Are you besjung up with me? He asks sad.
- Yes! And i don't whant you to touch me like that again. Understand.
- i understand but i am so sorry i did not mean to and i was drunk and did not Know what i did.
I just shake my head with tears in my eyes and walk away.

I stand in my classroom and i cry. Playing on the piano. Then i stop cry when i think of Violetta and Herman.
Then Herman comes in.
- hi Angie.
- Hi Herman i say and look at him.
- Are you ok?
- Yea i'm fine.
- Are you sure?
- Yea i'm fine.
- good because, Angie i have some news. Said Herman.

( if you have an Idea or you Know what the news is comment)

---- Hi averyone hope you like my book so far i am so happy that i got so many readers and votes, i love you guys. Thanks for all the support. 💙💙

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