Chapter 26

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I am home. All by myself i get a text from Vilu.
" we are coming in about 30 min 😙" then i go up and takes a shower. After the shower i take a witha short towel around me and walk out the i see HERMAN. I make a little scream. - HERMAN. They Said you would be home in 30 min i Said and walked my door. And Herman is covering his face.
- it has been 30 minutes. He Said and laught a bit.
- Why are you lauthing this is not fun at all.
- Sorry well i gonna go and rest he Said and walked to his room.
I go to my room and get dressed.
Then i take some papers that Herman is going to have. I sneak down the stairs and in to his Office. I lay down the papers on his desk and i turn around Quick and Then i see HERMAN...
I don't look at him i am just walking away.
- Angie wait. he say.
- what? i say and turn around.
- i whant to talk to you aboute the thing that happend for some minutes ago.
- We have nothing to talk aboute, ok.
- Yes we have. Look i'm sorry i did not Know you was home and...
- you don't have to be sorry i understand and you did not know.
- and i whanted to talk about the thing yesterday.
- Herman i'm so sorry for kissing you i did not mean it that way.
- don't be sorry because i don't whant things to be strange between us.
- i don't whant it to be strange eather. So let's talk about you how are your arm?

- I fine my arm is broken but it will be fine in a couple of days.
- thats, good. So you are not going to work for a couple of days?
- No i can't.
- Ok do Esmeralda Know?
- Well she...
Then we hear some Loud Noices coming from the Livingroom.
We go out and see what it is and it is Esmeralda.
- Ooo honey how are you i heard about the accident she Said and hugged him.
- my arm is broken but i will be fine sun.
- Good then we can continue are wedding.
- Yes ofcoures.
The thought of them Marry makes me feel so sad and angry. And Esmeralda did nort seem to care of Herman just the wedding.
- well i gonna make some tea do you whant Esmeralda?
- No, thanks. she Said with a fake smile.
- Herman? I asked.
- Yea thanks.
- well i will fix it i Said and smiled, Herman smiled at me too.

I am in the kitchen making hermans tea. I heald it up in a cup then he comes.
- Hi, Herman your tea is done.
- Ooo.. Thanks. He Said and smiled.
- Well do you whant some honey in?
- No thanks i can fix i't.
- Noherman you have an broken arm and i am going to fix it.
- thanks Angie thats so sweet.
I make him the cup then i give it to him and are hands touch.
- Carefull it's hot i Said Then we look Into each others eyes with out release our hands, we smiled lovly to each other.
- thanks. Said Herman.
- you are welcome. I Said and released his hand.
- i thought you nedded tea, after all that has happend.
- Yea, after all that has happend i am tierd.
- How do you feel about the wedding?
- Yea i think it is a good Idea but i am so tierd.
- Do you don't gonna ask Esmealda to remove the wedding a bit forward?
- No, i think it's for the best to have the wedding sun.
- But why? I ask.
- because... He thought a bit. I don't Know i just whant it Done.
- do you love her? I can't belive i Said that i thought for my self.
-, yes.
I't broke my heart when he Said that, but i had to be strong.
- Good because i don't whant you to Marry someone that you don't love. I Said smiled at him and left.


I go up in the morning and i am not so tierd. I feel good. I go up and i feel a little cold. So i walk to my wordrobe and take so clothes on. I go out from my room through the door. I stand there and look down to the Livingroom then i walk down the stairs step, for step. And then i head to the kitchen but then i stop and listen to Esmeralda and Herman that is talking.

- Esmeralda i thought we could move the wedding a bit because of my arm.
- But, of AVERYTHING that i have planned you are going to move it?
- Yea just for like two days.
Esmeralda seemed angry.

- Esmeralda, what can i do to make you happy?
She was quiet.
- Esmeralda, Do you wanna go on a date with me?
- Yes! She says and i look behind the door and see them hug.
I can't belive how could Herman what to Marry her? She is not good for him. But what can i do to stop him?
I work all day then i walk home about 18.00 and walk through the door and see Herman in a very nice black suit. I see him fixing his tie. He looks up at me.
- Can i Help you with that? I ask.
- If you whant. He say.
I leave my bag at the sofa and Go up to him. And begin to fix his tie.
- So why are you so nicely dressed? I ask pretending i don't Know.
- I have i date with Esmeralda. He say.
- Are you nervous? I ask
- No, he says calmly should i?
- No, i just asked.
i fix the tie perfectly then i have my hands on his chest. And look in his eyes.
- Do i look handsome now? He ask smiling.
- You look always handsome. I answer.
Ooo.. How could you say that you are so stupid i thought to myself.
We looked in each others eyes this was the most lovley moment. I could not stop looking at him.
He started to lean in slowly and i could not hold back Anymore so i leand in too. Are lips where almost touching...

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