Chapter 24

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I love... The Idea of you marry Esmeralda. I Said and move away.
Herman looks comfused at me.
- Are you schore?
- yes. i SAY AND makes a fake smile.
-,the wedding is in to weeks.
- yes, so.
- so i hope you will come?herman asks
- Yes we shall see. I say and walk away with a smile.
- Good night! Said Herman.
- Good night.
I Say and walk to bed.

We kiss! I can't belive it i see my meant to be. We kiss passionetlly and i heald him tight. I look up and see. HERMAN.
- I knew you loved me he says.
- and i have always had and i always will.
We kiss again and then we dance slow dance. He wispered in my ear.
- Wake up!

And out of No where i wake up in my bed. It was all a dream. But a werry good one. I lay down in my bed and fall asleep thinking of "HIM"


I wake up and it's a beutiaful day averything i great. I don't Know if it was the dream but i feel great.
I go up and sing a little then i walk in to the kitchen and see Olga.
- Godmorning Olga.
- good morning Angie.
I smile like an idiot.
- Ooo.. I think someone has dreamed about her Prince charming.
- No not, a Prince more like an...
- Ooo... I knew it i wanna her everything.
- No olg i have nothing to...
Then Herman comes in.
- Godmorning he says
- godmorning says Olga and i and i sit next to Olga in the kitchen.
- how are you he asks.
- realy, realy, realy good says Olga.
- Angie how are you? He asks and takes the suger Bowl.
.(I don't Know what it is in english)
I can't answer because Olga did it for me insted.
- she is very fine she has dreamd about her Prince charming. Said Olga.
- Olga! i sad eee don't listen to Olga she is little bit tierd.
- No i am not i Am perfecktly fine.
- Yea i think Olga is right. Said Herman.
- thanks, well i gonna go i have lots of things to do.
Then she leave and Herman looks at me.
- So you have dreamed about me he says and take some suger in his coffe.

- No, No but you Know how Olga is she thinking one thing a day and then next..
- But She has right many Times to.
- Yes,yes she has. But not not this time.
- Are you shore? He asks with a grin.
- Yes and bye because i don't whant to be late for the Studio i Said lauthing a little.
- Well you better hurry He Said.
Violetta and i left. On the way there we sneaked about me and herman.
- are you and dad ok?
- Yes why do you ask?
- i just whant to Know that you and dad have a good relation.
- Yes Violetta we don't fight quit much as befor i Said and laught.
- well i hope she Said laughting.

We arrived and i walked in to the teacher room and see Tomas.
- Hi Tomas i haven't seen you in a while.
- No i have Been in France and meet my relatives there.
- Ooo have you relatives in france?
- Yea i do come from there but Jackie and i loved her to have a new beginning, you Know have a new life.
- Ooo. I have always whanted to visit france.

- You and i can travel there some day. Said Tomas.
- Yea that would be very fun. Well i have to go to my class now see you later.
- Yea. Said Tomas.
My lesson ended and i started to sing on "be mine" ( in spain "yo soy asi")

Just about to get Into the song, i can feel you dancing through my beat.
You wich a part of all. That, i'm as in to how you are. I feel like i'm just about to fly when you get a sparkle in your eyes, is like everybody calls us...
Then Herman come and starts to sing.

The king and Queen of broken hearts.

And thats the thing with you, you whant to get together thants how it's always been, one look and it's forever.
- you have an AMAZING voice Said Herman.
- Thanks, you to. I blushed.
- i hope we can do a duett in public sometime.
- Yea i would love To. I Said.
Then he walked away smiling.
I was in the studio in the teacher room doing some paper work then violetta comes in crying.
- Violetta! What is it?
- is my dad.
- what is it with your dad? I asked worryd.
- Dad has been involved in a car accident...

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