Chapter 9

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:We kissed. And we kissed so passionately and long, then we broke the kiss and we had are heads together still.
- So do you think this is right? Asked Angie.

- i Know this is right sad Herman.
And they kissed again.
- Herman i don't whant to say that we are together.
- Why?
- i Don't Know how people will look at us for Pablo, or violetta i don't Know how they gonna react.
- i understand but we can't have it as a secret all the time.
- NO i'm gonna tell them not just now.
- Angie i just whanted to ask you something.
- okay.
- please, Be the one i love.
She didin't Say anything she just kissed him.
They walked out of the Studio Holding hands then they separate and walked separate ways home.

(Next Day)
I walked to the castillo hause to pick Vilu up. She and Herman sat next to the table.
- Godmorning! Sad Angie
- Godmorning Sad Herman and violetta. And smiled.
- i go and get my things i come in a minute.
- okay.
When Vilu walked away Herman took angies hand that layed on the table.

- how are you?
- good. A littel tierd just.
- can i make you wake up asked Herman, and leaned in and kissed Angie passionately on the lips.

- yes you could. And they both laught.
Then Vilu came in.
- shall we go?
- yea let's go!
- bye dad!
- Bye!
We headed to the Studio and when we arrived, i walked to the teacher room and saw a man in My age that i had never seen befor.
- Hi there hwo are you? Asked Angie.
- Ooo hi you must be Angie i have heard so much aboute you, they had right you are realy beutieful.
Angie blushed.
- thanks, but who are you?
- Ooo i am Tomas.
- ok but what are you doing her? Asked Angie.
- Ooo i am Antonios son and jackies brother i am the new teacher.

- Ooo how nice, Antonio sad it would come a new teacher but i didin't Know who. Are you starting today?

- yes i do.
- Great i have class now but i see you later.
- Bye sad Tomas.
He was handsome and nice, far away From his sister.
After class i was walking out of the room and fell and then two arms catch me i look up and see....

Please, Be the one i love (Germangie Story)Where stories live. Discover now