Chapter 16

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Herman i...
Then i tryed to walk away, but then he grabed my arm and pulled me back.
- Please Angie answer my cuestion!
- Herman it is complicated, Ok.
- So you feel something for me?
- Herman i am comfused ok i can't think clearly.

- I thought the kiss would make you feel diffrent.
- i't did but Herman you are pressning me ok. You Know how i feel about you but you also Know how i feel aboute Pablo.
- i understand!! but Angie I love you!! Can't you understand that i don't whant you to chooes wrong.
- Don't worry, i am not. Said Angie and walked away.

I looked at me one last time at the door and walked home.

I whanted to stay home but i just had to go to the Studio.
I walked besides the park and in to the Studio.
I walk in to the teacherroom and see Pablo and Herman sitting at the table.
- Hi Pablo.
- Hi Angie how are you?
- Good.
- Hello Herman.
- Hi he Said and quickly looked in his papers.
- well i have class now i got to go.
He walked up to me and kissed me i kissed passionately back.
Then Pablo walked out of the room and i looked at Herman.
He looked coldy at me.
- Don't give me that look i Said and walked and sat beside him at the table.

- Sorry but....
- But what Herman i have Said and asked many Times be my friend i don't like to see you angry and sad at me.

- OK ANGIE, i have Said this many Times' to, i can't be your friend.

- why... Why i Said with tears in my eyes.

- Please! Said Angie and looked at him.
- I'm sorry, he Said and walked away.
I sat at the table thinking.

I don't Know what to do. Maybe i gonna tell Pablo about the kiss i don't know.
I have to think, maybe i have wrong or right i don't Know i am so comfused.

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