Chapter 20

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i walked to my room, to take all my things to the right place. I't felt so right to be back and be with them i love. Then i walk to take a Box and it's so heavy.
- Herman can you Help me with this box? I screamed.
- yes i'm coming. He Said.
When i was witing i took another Brown box with a picture in it with Violetta on it i looked at it and smiled then i turn around and Herman stands there.
- Ooo... Herman you scared me!
- sorry i sid not meant to, i remember that foto.
- Yea me to she looks so little and tiny now she has growen up.
- Yea it makes me miss that time.

I looked at him and he looked at me i loved his eyes they where so Brown and magical.
- Well i gonna start with the dinner then. i said.
- Bettar hurry up. he Said and looked in my eyes.
I walked to the kitchen and i see Olga sitting and drinking coffe.
- i am gonna Cook today Olga i Said and took a cooking pinny on.
- Ooo thats great my darling can i Help you?
- No Olga i can take it.
- okej well i gonna go up to my room and drink my coffe.
She walked up to her room and i started to cook.
Then Herman comes in.
- Olga can you make me some c....
Angie Ooo where is Olga?
- she is on her room but i Know what you whant. Coffe.. Right. I gave him a cup.
- Thanks, Angie. Are hands touched and i released him.
- well you bettar go and work i have LOTs of things to do. I Said smiled and pusched him out of the door.

I walk in to the kitchen and gives food to averyone it is sweet and surt chicken with oven baked potatoes.
- Mmm... Angie this is good Said Vilu.
- Thanks. I Said, but i'm not that good.
- No i mean this is realy good. Said Herman.
- No my food is not as good as olgas.
- My darling it was so fresh you can Help me with the food when ever you whant. Said Olga.

- Thanks Olga. But i Know i'm not that good i Said and walked with my plate to the kitchen.

(((LATER AT 20.00)))

I am in the kitchen taking care of the disches. Then someone comes in i look behind me and see Violetta.
- Hi Vilu. I Said
- Hi, Angie the food was great just so you know. it could have its place on a resturant.

- Thanks Vilu.
- well i gonna go to my room night Said violetta.
- Night. I Said.

Then i her something i look behind me and see Herman.
- Ooo.. Herman you scared me!
- Sorry for that "Again".
- How long have yoy been standing there? I asked.

- I while. he Said and walked over to me.
- Violetta just was kidding with that thing she talked about of the resturant, right?
- No Angie this was 'REALY' good. You have a gift i Know it.
- No i don't think so. I Said
He shake his head.
- why don't you Explore your talent?
- I don't Know i haved never had time i gues.
- But you can maybe be chef, have an one resturant.
- I don't think i'm good enought i Said and looked down.
He took my chin.
- You have talent, more then you Know.
We looked in to each others eyes.
- Well how do i gonna do with the music, the thing i am most passionet about.
- You can do both. he Said.
I got so shaky of hes touch that a plate slippt through my fingers and on the ground.
- Ooo... I'm sorry Herman.
- It happends us all don't touch it you can but your self.

But befor he could say anything i did in the missöde of my hand.
- Aa! I Said and Herman noticed and took my hand.
- i can see you don't have to go to the doctor but let me fix it for you.

We sat next to the table in the kitchen at two shares infront of each other and on the table there was an emergancy box. He took a wet towel and did cream i't gently i't hurted so i took my hand over his. He looked at me and i looked at him.
- Sorry. i said.
- Don't be sorry. He Said.
- thanks for taking care of me i Said when he took the bandage from the box.
- I am always her to Help you that he started to roll the bandage over my hand and over. But you should be more carefull i don't Know what i would do if you had hurted you realy bad he said.

- Yea i should be more carefull, it was kind of you to Help me thanks. i Said.
Then he did a rosett, And smiled.
- Don't stop i Said and after i realeased what i Said but he took my hand so gently i couldent Help i't and then...

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