Chapter 30

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I walked out of the car and to the place.
Then Tomas comes up too me in a black suit.
- Hi Angie, how are you?
- I'm comfused this whole thing
is... I can't explain.
- i promise it will be fine.he Said and hugged me. We walked a bit. The i saw flowers treas and chaers.
I walked up to Violetta that was standing and looked at the beutiaful flowers.
- How are you? I asked her.
- Good Angie.
- Let's get merried. i Said.
We all laught and tomas and i walked to our place and violetta walked to the stage where she was going to sing.
I looked at Herman that was standing next to the stage and looked down the way Esmeralda would go.
He looked at me for a second and he started to look like he was thinking.


I don't Know what to Do i am helpless in love with Angie. And i am comfused.
If i get merried to Esmeralda i don't Know What's gonna happend but if i say No i don't Know what is gonna happen.


The Music is starting. We all stand up when we see Esmeralda walk slow forward
to Herman. All is looking at Her walking. She is going up on the stage and stand beside Herman.
The prest had the speach about love and trust but i could not listen to him. i just looked at Herman.
- Esmeralda, do you take Herman as your lovly husband? Asked the prest.
- Yes. Said Esmeralda.
I looked down and i could not see this happend it was so difficoult.
- Herman, do you take Esmeralda as your lovly wife? Asked the prest.
I was about to cry so i walked away from my seat and was about to leave.
- Angie where are you going? asked Tomas.
I did not say anything i just walked away.
I walked a bit then i heard.
- "no"
I hear a "NO" i't was from Herman.
I turn around and looks at him. He looks at me too.
- I'm so sorry it's just that i am in love with someone els.
- Hwo is that? Asks Esmeralda with her hands on her hips.
He looks at me.
- Angie. He says.
Esmeralda looks comfused at me and the public too. I gives himla little smile.
- Angie, when we first meet i did Not Know that you was the one for me. But i can't hold my feelings back anymore. Angie... I Love you. I have always had and i always will.
I cryed happy tears and smile. I run up to him from where i was standing.
I was so near him. Then he kissed me.
It was a long passionet kiss.the public was claping.
We released each other and we hugged tight.
- I'm sorry i was a jerk. He Wispered.
I just kissed him again.
- Esmeralda is not the one you think she is. Said jade that comes out of Nowhere.
- What are you talking about? Ask Herman comfused."

Then a police comes and arrest Her.
And Jade explains it all.


We are sitting at a bench when Jade explain the whole thing. Me and Violetta sit beside him. Me and Herman is Holding hands.
Herman looks so comfused.
- So she did just fake the whole thing? Asked Herman.
- Yes she did. Said Jade.
- that was it she had Marias diary to be like her and learn what too say. I Said.
- I'm sorry. Said violetta.
- I'm fine. He Said and looked at Violetta then at me.
We hugged.
- Well we maybe should go home? I asked.
- Yes, we should let's go too my car.
We walked to his car and all of us where tierd because of this.
We did not say as much. We just did sit there i took Hermans hand. We where at the hause and we all walked to our Rooms. I walked too mine, Herman too his and violetta too hers. I lyed in my bed thinking.
How could Esmeralda do this too Herman? How could she be so heart less? I have so many questions i whant too ask her. But i letted it go.
I was thinking a while then i Said too myself.
- Now is it officially then, Herman and i are Together...

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