Chapter 5

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I go to the teacher room and see... Jeremias,with a Box with his things in his hands, and a paper in his hand.
- Hi Jeremias what are you doing?sad i with a smile.

- Hi I... I gonna go home.
- Go home why?
- i have quit the job, he sad and lay the Box on the desk.

I felt so sad and a littel bit angry.
- Why Jeremias, is it my fault, Is it aboute last night?

- No, No it is not you i promise, is just that i am gonna move back to italy.

- But i don't understand, don't you like to job here.
- Angie is family-problems.

- I understand sad I and looked at the ground sadly.
Jeremias walked up to me and bild my cheek gently.

- It had never worked between us sad Jeremias.
- How do you know that asked Angie with tears in her eyes.
- I just Know and i promise that one day you will meet a man, that Fiona love you as much as you deserve.

She looked at Jeremias with a littel smile.

- and that man you talked aboute that started of with another woman, maybe he did the right thing and maybe he did wrong, but i promise, you will be fine.

- I am gonna miss you she sad.

- and i gonna miss you to.

He took his Box and walked out of the door and i Waved and he did the same.

I stod there in 5 seconds and the Jermias came back to me and kissed me. Passionately on the lips and hold my cheeks gently.
And then we broke the kiss, and Pablo came in.
- Ooo hi Angie so you know Jeremias is gonna....
- I Know Angie sad.
- Bye Pablo, bye Angie. Sad Jeremias and walked out of the dorr.

- bye. Sad Pablo and Angie at the same time.

- I have class now see you later.
- yea see you later sad, Pablo.

When my classes where Done i walked with Vilu home and we talked.
- Angie are you sad i see it in your eyes, sad violetta.

- Yea you Know that guy Jeremias.
- Yes!!
- Yea we kissed.

- Ooo angie thats greate!!
- yea but the thing is that, he is gonna move home to italy today.

- Ooo Angie i am so sorry, for you.
- yea but i am okay.
-okay. Good
We where at the hause and walked in.
I say bye to Vilu and she walks to her room. I was just aboute to live when....

- Hi Angie, sad German.
- Hi German i was just aboute to leave so.....
- No wait i just whanted to ask why you are so sad.
-What.. I.. Am not sad.
- yes you are sad German and walked closer to Angie.
The Angie looks at him.
- i see it in your eyes, sad German
And looked in to her eyes.

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