Chapter 28

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Hermans P//
Yesterday me and Angie kissed. She kissed me back. I have always known we had something. But i am going to get merried tomorrow and i don't Know what to do. I Know Angie is hurt and i don't whant to hurt her. And it brakes my heart to see her like this.
We all is sitting around the table at breakfast.
- So honey the wedding will be tomorrow, is the flowers planned right like i Said. Esmeralda ask.
- yes i don't Know it was you that had control over the flowers.
- yes ofcoures but i whant you to like them to.
- It will be fine whatever you take.
She walks in to the kitchen. We others are sitting around the table.
Angie is not looking at me.

We are sitting at the table i look down. I can't stop thinking about the kiss. It was so wrong but still so right. I don't whanted to be the one ruing there wedding.
"""""""""AT THE STUDIO"""""""""
I walked fast in to the Studio crying i walk pass Pablo that follows me Into my classroom.
- Angie what is it? He asks calmly and hugs me.
- Herman is getting married tomorrow i Said and Cryed.
- I'm so sorry. Said Pablo and hugged me more.
- And he kissed Me yesterday thats what hurts the most.
Then Herman comes in.
- Pablo can i have free day today and tomorrow?
He sees me.
- Angie what is it? He asks me
- Nothing, nothing. I have Class now anyway so.. Then i walk away.
My classes was over i look outside an then i go to the teacherroom where i have my stuff.
I take my bag and leave.
I go to the castillo hause and go in. I go in to the Livingroom then in to the kitchen. I see Herman standing there making coffe.
I turn around and was about to go when he say my name. I turn around again.
The Vilu comes in to the kitchen.
- Hi Angie.
- Hi.
- Hi dad.
- Hi.
- Well i whanted to ask you if Diego could come her today and eat dinner with us.
- yes,yes! You can. Herman says.
- thanks dad you are the best. She says and walk away.
- is it just me or do you invite Diego just so you can control them?
- No, No i don't.
- Or is it because you don't trust your daughter i just can't tell.
- So whatever i do. You will always think i doing it for my own intressts.
He says and walk closer to me.

- No, No i think it's very cute you are willing to try so much as all.
We look in each others eyes. The worked stops.
- So. Says Herman and looks on me.
I guess nothing is happening between us?
- Herman you are getting married tomorrow after that nothing has happend. I say and walk away.
But i felt sorrow in hole my body i did not whant him to get merried to Esmeralda. She is not good for him and i don't think he is in love with her. But what can I!! Do. I don't Know how he will take it if i say that Esmeralda is not right for him. It getted late i walked to violettas room.
- Hi Vilu. I Said and smiled.
- Hi Angie. How are you feeling about the wedding? She asks me.
- Me? How are you feeling your father are getting merried. i Said and laught.
- i feel good i mean i only whant him to be happy, and we like her very much.
- Yea well, are you glad you are getting a new mom?
- Esmeralda could never take her place, the only one that could is you, Angie.
-aaawww. I Said and we hugged.
- Well get some sleep now because it is a BIG day tomorrow. I Said.
- Yes you too.
- good night.
- Good night i Said and closed the door.
I knock on Hermans room door, He does not open. I knock again, still No answer.
I walk down the stairs and see through the glaswall that Herman is outside and lay down on the sun-chair beside the pool in the moonlight.
I go out to him.
- Hi Herman.
- Ooo.. Hi Angie. He gives me a little smile.
- Why are you out her?
- Calm and peaseful. He says. It gives me a...
- Chanse to think? i ended the sentens.
I lay down on a chair beside him.
- Are you nervous for tomorrow? I ask
- Yea i have not been but i don't Know it is like... It's complicated.
- Well if you feel like this why are you getting married. I ask.
- i don't Know i... Guess i whent a little fast.
- So what are you going to do? I ask.
- why are you asking all this? he ask a little surprised with a little smile and looks at me.
- Because I Love You. I Said
- you...
- You Know how i feel about you.
he was so shoked.
- You Know that time when you asked me... I took a breth. "To be the one you love"
- yes. He Said Abd looked a little embaressd.
- i don't whant to say too much was one of the best Times of my life.
He looked in my eyes and i looked in his.
He leaned in to me.
I stopped him.
- I'm happy that you are happy and i don't wanna end it. I say and walk inside to my room and in to my bed.

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