Chapter 21

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And then... He heald my hand so gently. I did not whant it to stop. He looked in my eyes and i blushed.
- Then i will not. he said.
He started to lean in i just sat there i didin't Know what to do. I whanted to kiss him so badly. And then he came closer and closer.
We where so close.
- then I will not he wispered.
- Herman.. Don't do this to me. i wispered.
And took away my hand slowly and left.


What do i gonna do. I am with Esmeralda but i don't think i love her. And Angie well we have had are fights but we have had are lovely moments to and i don't whant to hurt Esmeralda.

And Angie don't whant to hurt Pablo.
So i have No Idea what we where going to do. But one thing was shore, i was deeply, helpless, in love with her.

I wake up in the morning and feel wonderful. I am where i belong in the castillo hause.
I get dressed and sneak out of my room but i hear voices down stares so i got down and listen.
- She can't move back! Say Esmeralda.
- Yes she can and it is her decision and many of us is glad she is back.
- Ooo i knew it!
- What? Asked Herman comfused.
- I knew you where in love with her.
- No, No, No Esmeralda you are the only one for me and you Know that he says and walk up to her and hug her.
- I love you she says and hug back.
- I love you too, he says calmly.

My hart goes in a thousen peases.
I walk in to my room to make my self stop cry then i walk down to the table in the kitchen.
We eat then i walk to the stairs.
And then Herman comes up to me.
- hey, Angie can we talk aboute violettas learning plan for the next month?
- Yea i just gonna take some papers with me then i come to your Office.

- i think we should do more history and math take the things she think is hardest first. Said Herman.

- Yea bu the math i don't think is a problem she is good at Numbers like you i Said and laught.

She laught i smiled she smiled back that beutiaful smile she got.

- Don't smile like that. Says Herman.
- Like how? I ask comfused.
- that smile that makes me wanna kiss you. He SAID!!!
I just look around me take my papers and walked to the door.
Herman Rice from his share then he walk to me and take his hand on my hand that is on the dorrknop.
- I'm sorry Angie i did not mean to..
- No i understand i Said and opened the dorr and walked away.

It was a silent dinner. But averyone was calm. But Herman seemed a little angry. It was just Esmeralda, Violetta and ramallow that talked. After the dinner i walk to the kitchen and then out through the kitchen Door then i sit on a bench besides the house and look at the stars. Then Pablo comes up to me.
- Hey Angie.
- Hi.
- i can't stand beeing without you anymore.
Then he kiss my neck like he had never Done befor it did not feel like love at all hen he kiss me.
And i stop him.
- i don't whant to!!
- Come on Angie don't be like that he says and does not stop then i Rice and tryed to walk away but then he grab me.
- Stop, stop!!
Then Herman comes from the house.
And running up to us.
- She Said stop. He says and take me from Pablo.
Pablo look sauer at Herman then he walk away.
I had my face in hermans chest crying and he had his arms around me.
- ssshhhh....sssshhhh... It is gonna be fine.
- That was horrible i Said
- i Know but it's gonna go over.
I Stopped crying and looked at him.
I was so tierd and i was almost asleep then He lifts me up in bridly style in to the hause.
He cared me and i felt my eyelock beggined to be havyer and havyer.

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