Chapter 19

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I look up at him and see... Herman.
I stop and look scared then i wink and then i see Pablo again.
- What is it my love? Pablo asks
- Nothing i promise i'm fine.
- Are you syre he asks me?
I just nodded. And Smiled
Then he kiss my shoulder then my stomack then my leg. I moan a bit.
Then He Whent's up and kiss me.
Then i sit up in his lap, and he strap of my bra.i took of his belt then i took of his trousers with my legs. I moan because he kisses my neck.


I wake up after a passionate night. and see Pablo in my bed asleep i smile and look at him.
I can't belive i saw Herman like Pablo this night. Is it because i whanted it to be him insted is it because i love him?
I am comfused.
I walk up carefully in to the shower.
I shower in about 10 minutes and then i take a white shirt towel around me, i walk out of the bathroom and i hear Pablo is in the kitchen so i get dressed in a big t-shirt and some fluffy trousers. and i walk to the kitchen and sneak behind him and kiss his cheek.
He smiles and turns around and then i see... HERMAN again.
- Hi Angie. He says kiss me i look at him again then Pablo are there.
- Hi. Pablo what are you doing?
- I am making breakfast.
- so sweet of you.
- Thanks.
- i gonna Go and take some other clothes on.
- Ok i say when it's ready.
- Ok.
I walk out get dressed and pack my things i gonna take with me too the castillo hause. Then Pablo comes out and see my things.
- Where are you going ?he asks
- No i just pack my things for..
Ooo i did not say it. Well i gonna move back to the casillo hause.
- You what?? He asks a little angry.
- Yea.
- but i had sad this many Times it is not good for you to live there!
- I'm sorry but Herman and i talked about it last night and all of them in the family Missed me so they whanted me to move back.

- OK, Said Pablo, i understand sorry for beeing angry!
- Don't be sorry i understand too, shall we eat breakfast?

- yea come too the kitchen then when you are ready.
- Ok thanks i say and kiss his cheek.


I walk in to the techer room with one box with some of my things it's heavy so i almost drop it then Tomas helps me.
- Thanks Tomas!
- You are welcome. But what is this stuff?
- Yea, i gonna move back to the castillo hause today.
- Ooo thats great have you and Herman get along?
- yea we have we are good friends now.
- thats good. Well i gonna go for class now see you later.
- Yea bye!
Then Pablo comes in.
- Hi Angie.
- Ooo hi Pablo. How are you?
- great now when i can see you.
He walks up to me and kiss me cheek.
- Pablo can i get the day of ? because i realy whant to take my things and get my room ready.
- Yea Tomas can take it.
- Perfect, well i gonna be on my way then.
- Bye Angie.
- Bye.
I going to my car and sit then i drove to the castillo hause and the clock is 19.00 and that means violetta is home! I gonna surprise her!

I arrived and sneaked in to the hause i walk to Violettas room, and knock.
- Come in! She says!
I walk in and jump in to the bed and hug her. And smiles like in idiot.
- what is it Angie you seem so exited she says and smiles.
Then Herman comes in.
- What is going on her? He asks lauthing.
- i was going to tell violetta the good news. I say and look in his eyes he violetta looks at us.
- Ooo YOU MEAN YOU TWO ARE TOGETHER? She asks exited.
- No, No, No Hahah Vilu that was realy funny. And Herman looks at me while smiling.
- I was not..eee well, what is the good news.
- Yea your father and i have been talking and i am going to... Move back!!!!
- aaaaahh.. Thats so great Angie she says and walks up with a big smile and hug Herman and me.

- So you are going to stay her now? She asks and looks at me.
- I never left. I Said and Violetta hugged me tight.

- We have to selebrait this why don't we have a nice dinner somewhere? Asked violetta.
- Yea we can have i't her and i can cielo Olga and Cook i Said.
- Yea tonight please dad? Violetta asked.
- yea that would be great.
- i gonna tell Olga Said violetta and walked down while Angie was looking at her walking.
- can you cook?
- Yea why are you so surprised Herman?
- I'm not i just did not know. He Said and looked at me with a smile.
- i gonna go and pack up my things.
- wait Angie, he Said and took my hand. Thanks for this you see violetta was so happy when she heard about it, i am so glad you are back.

- me to Said Angie and released Herman.

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