Chapter 23

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"- i have some news. Said Herman.
- ok let's her.
- Me and... Esmeralda.. Are getting married! He Said.
My heart broke i could not handel this.
This was to bad to be true i was crying so much in my heart. I't hurted me in so many ways i can't even explain.

- Ooo thats great Herman. i Said sad, i'm happy for you. I Said with a little sad smile and walked away.

I walked out of the studio in to the beutiaful green park. I walked to a Brown/red tree bench and sat there in silent i was crying i mean after all he is still whant to Marry Esmeralda i don't get it.
I sat there with my face in my hands.
Then someone is taking there hand on my shoulder. I look up and see..................... Pablo.
- I Said don't touch me! I Said with tears in my eyes but anger at my face.
- Please Angie i can't stand see you sad is it something i have Done?
- It is you and....
- Please Angie tell me why you are sad you are Killing me.
- Herman..
- Ok, tell me more. He Said calmly.
- He is getting married to Esmeralda and i don't Know what to do. I Said and hugged him.
I was angry at him but my Sadness was bigger.
- i knew you where in love with him. But i thought i could Help you forget him. He Said calmly and understanding.
- I love you Pablo but, i Love Herman more. I'm sorry. I Said and released him.
- it's ok, i have always newn that you loved him but i did not whant to belive it.
- i can't love him it's impossible and he are getting married. And he is my brother in law. I Said.
- but say that you love him befor the wedding then. Said Pablo.
- No i can't....
- ijust whant you to be happy can you please forgive me.
- ok.. I forgive you then we hugged.
Then Herman came. I released him.
- hi Said Herman.
- Hi Said i.
- Angie i whant to talk to you later about the news. You can take Vilu home after the studio then we can talk.
- ok. i Said then he left.

------At the hause-----

We arrived to the castillo hause and then we opened and Vilu gave me a hug and walked to her room.
Then i go to the kitchen for some wather. I go to the bench and takes a clean glas. I fill up it with some wather then i drink i turn around and see HERMAN. I got so scared i fall forward in his arms.
- Ooo Herman you scared me i Said and looked in his eyes.
- sorry i did not mean to.
I stood up andlooked at him.
- so what did you wanna talk About?
- The news.

- Herman about that we have nothing to talk about.
- Yes we have, you seemed so sad when i telled you that we where getting married.
- No i was just Schocked. I mean of all you and Esmeralda been through you whant to Marry her.
- Are you jelause? He asked.
- No! Are you i saw how you looked at Pablo and me when we hugged.

- No i mean for what he did i did not think you and him should be friends!
- Well he is my friend, if you like it or not.
- Please Angie you have to understand that if he did something like that he is not a good boyfriend!
- well he was drunk!
- that does not matter, that is not an excuse for him to Be rude.
- He could not Help it, ok!
- i would never Done something like that to you! He said.

We where silent a while but i decided to brake it.
- i got to go. I Said calmly.
- Wait, Angie. He Said and grabbed my arm so we stood So close to each other, i looked in his eyes and that felt so right.

- Come on Angie i Know you have feelings for me. He wispered.

- You have wrong. i Said and looked at him. And tryed to lie.
- What can i do to make you tell me
The truth? He wispered.
- i have nothing to hide. I wispered. But i whanted to kiss Him so badly.

- three words thats all he Said and started to lean in. I did not Know what to do but then i started to lean in to.
I wispered.
- I love...

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