Chapter 6

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....and looks in her eyes.
- No German it's nothing, i promise don't be worry.
-I gonna ho home see you tomorrow.
- see you tomorrow sad Herman.

I walked home and fell asleep in my bed fast thinking of Hermans eyes.


I getted dressd and putted on a red dress with a black thin belt and Brown heels. And walked to the studio right away.
I walked to the teacher room and saw Pablo sitting next to the table he looked sad.
- Hi Pablo, are you feeling right?
- No me and Jackie had a fight, and we broke up.
- Pablo i'm sorry, but she was in love with you that is one thing i Know.
So don't be worry she will change her mind.
Then i hugged him.
- why did you and i fight? Asked pablo.
- i don't know.
- you are the best friend sad Pablo.
Then we walked to are classes.

Later that day after my job i walked to the castillo hause with Vilu she headed to her room and then i walked to Hermans Office to say that Vilu is home when i saw him sit there thinking.

- hi Herman violetta is home now.
- Ok, thanks.
- You seem sad is something wrong?
- Yes Esmeralda and i had a fight yesterday to and i don't Know what it is with her.

- Herman i don't see the problem, i Saw you kissing for two days a go and now you fight again?
- so you see the problem?
- yes i do, ok this is not my decision but if i where you i wood brake up with her.

- Ooo i think someone is jeluos! Sad Herman witha cheeky grin.
- Herman i am not jeluos!

- yes you are, he sad and walked closer to me.

- How can you be so sure, and why wood i be?
- Becuse you have feelings for me.
- Herman i don't know what you are saying her but i am not that kind of girl hwo wood do what you are saying her, sad angie

- So if i broke up with Esmeralda, what wood you do. Asked Herman.

- Ok if i wood stand her looking Into youre eyes and say " I Love You" wood it change anything?

He didin't say enything, and then Angie walked away.
Next day i walked to the castillo hause and saw Herman.
- Hi Angie i am sorry for yesterday.
- you don't have to say you are sorry i understand.
- how does it work with Esmeralda?
- yea i Followed you advice and i broke up with her.
- Ooo you did, i'm sorry it didin't work.
- it's ok.
But inside me i was so happy yay!!!!

- eee Angie i was wondering if we could go out for dinner tonight i whant to her every detail aboute the show!
- Yes that will be so good.


I go two the castillo hause and knock.
I had a white flower dress with a black thin belt and my hair on my shoulders.
And German opened.

- Angie you look beutieful.
- thanks shall we go?
- yes let's go.

We sat in the car and drove to a resturant we sat there in hours and talked aboute the show lauthing.
Then we go out of the resturant and German say:
- I go get the car.
-Ok say Angie
He walk to the car. I gonna send a message to Jeremias and tell that i am fine.
Just when i sent the message German come and his phone make a noise.
German looked at his phone then at me

Ooo no i took Jeremias phone not mine maybe Angie will not notice.

I looked at German and i realised, how could i be so stupid.
- GERMAN YOU WHERE JEREMIAS ALL THE TIME!! Asked Angie sad and angry...
- Angie i can explain i...
- No i don't....
Then she walked away....

I will updatet today or tomorrow it
depends! Hope you like my book so far and like i always say.
(Sorry for my bad English)

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