Chapter 11

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Then...... they kissed the kiss was long and then we started to move to the sofa wile kissing then he started to unbutton my blouse then i took of his shirt and then i kissed him. Then he started to kiss my neck.
But the i started to think and stopped.
- what is it beautiful he asked.
- I'm sorry i can't do this.
- Ooo.. I'm sorry have i Done something wrong? He asked and sat up.
- No it's not you it's me.
- I'm sorry he sad.
- don't be sorry it's just.. It's a long story.
- i have time, he sad and gave me my blause.

AFTER 10 min//

He gave me a cup of tea, then
I telled him the story aboute Herman all from the beginning and the fight and when he came to me in the park, and Esmeralda.
- Angie you and Herman have been through a lot, Right.
- right Sad Angie and looked at him.
- don't you think that day in the park you were too angry to listen what Herman had to say.
- yes but i was so sad and Angry, You Know that night when i fell and you caught me, and....tryed to kiss me, yea he saw us and....

- Ooo Angie i'm so sorry for that if i knew you had i boyfriend i would never do something like that.
- No you don't have to be sorry you didin't Know.

- i hope It not was my fault!
- No it was my fault sad Angie, i did not listening what he had to say.

- i think if you talk to him it all going to work out fine.

- thanks for understanding, you are a very nice guy.
- thanks you are very kind Angie.
We looked on each other for a wile then i sad:
- i got to go home now.
- see you tomorrow.
- .And Tomas. Sad Angie
- yea?
- Thanks, ska sad and kissed his cheek.
Then i walked out through the door.
I walked to the Studio and i was so existens for the new keyboard player.

I walked in and saw HERMAN!!
- Herman! What are you doing her? I asked.
- Ooo hi Angie i am her to do my audition.
- what audition?

- i gonna do the audition for the job as keyboard player.
- eeee.... Okay.
I tried to keep my smile up.
- Should i start?
- yea let's go the piano it's over there.
We walked to the piano and he started to play on " Algo Se Enciende" i looked at the piano, he played it so good.
He looked at me in my eyes and i looked at him. Then he stopped and i clapped then i sad:
- you Know you have been working her befor so you don't have to do a audition.

- yea but the other once don't Know that i was Jeremias so.....
- Yea well we will see but i think you are gonna get the job.
- thats great! I don't have so much job in summer so i whanted to Help.
- Thanks. Herman can i talk to you later at the park.

- yea what is it?
- i say it in the park see you later.

- see you later sad Herman.
And i walked away.

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