Chapter 12

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After my class i walked to the park to see Herman wait for me i walked up to him and sad hi.
- Hi Angie, you whanted to talk.
- Yea, i have been thinking and you Know that day in the park.
- yes sad Herman and looked down.
- i'm so sorry i have been realy unfair to you, but i think that day i was to angry to listen to you.

- you don't have to be sorry i understand.
- Herman?
- Yes? Sad Herman.
- Do you hate me?
- Angie i can many things. But i could never hate you he sad and took my chin.
Angie looked down and blushed.
- Look at me sad Herman.
She looked up at him.
- You see i'm her and i'm not hate you,ok.
- Ok.
They looked Into each others eyes.
- i gotta go to the Studio.
- ok Angie. See ya later.
- bye Herman.
Then she walked back to the Studio, Happier then ever.

I'm so happy Herman and i are friends now beacuse we gonna work together now. YES he is gonna get the job.
I walked to the castillo house to tell the good news.

I arrived and knocked and walked i,
And i don't see anyone.
I walk in to the kitchen to see Herman drinking some Tea.
- Hi Herman.
- Oo hi Angie, whant some tea? Asked Herman and smiled.
- No thanks, i just came her to say that you got the job!

- Ooo thats great sad Herman so happy and we hugged.
I was so happy in his arms.
When we relased that we was so near to kiss, and then Vilu came in.

- Angie?
- Ooo hi Vilu.
- hi what are you doing her.
- Ooo i just whanted to tell your father that ge got the job.
- Ooo.. Thats great dad sad Vilu and hugged him.
- well i gonna go home see you tomorrow.
- bye sad Vilu and Herman.
I was heading to the dorr, when i heard Herman.
- Wait Angie.
- what is it Herman i asked and smiled.
- i was just wondering.... If.... You whanted to move back?
- Herman we have talked about this, i don't think it would work.
- But i miss you.... No i mean Vilu miss you and it would be so much better if you did please.
- Herman i....
- please Angie for me he sad and took my hands and looked in my eyes.
- Ok i gonna move back.
- Yes he sad and lifted me up and then down on the ground.
- i have to go home now but i come with my things in a couple of days.
- see you at the Studio tomorrow then.
- bye Angie.


K walk to the Studio and start to work after a couple of hours i walk to the teacher room and see him.
- Hi Herman how is your first day so far?
- Hi Angie it's great just gregorio has little mood on me.
- Yea he has it on us all Sp don't be worry.
Then Esmeralda came in.
- Herman my love hi.
- eee hi Esmeralda what are you doing her?
- i just whanted to check how you have it on work then she kissed him and released him.
I was so Angry and sad.
- i have to go to class now, bye...
- Angie wait....
Then i walked home to my apartment crying.
When i arrived my apartment i walked in and closed the door i was angry but, i tryed to calm my self.

//2 hours later//
It was a knock on the dorr i walked to open it and it was......

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