Chapter 8

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Then a good friend of mine comes in.... It is Pablo.
- Hi Angie how are it going with youre new song?
- Good i think do you wanna her?
- yes i would love to sad Pablo!
I started to sing:

No soy ave para vollar, Y en cuadro no se pintar, no soy poeta escultor.
Tan solo soy lo que soy,
Las estrellas No se leer,
Y la luna no bajare, No soy el cielo, ni el sol...
Tan solo soy.
( i Know it is not her song but pretend)

- So what do you think?
- it is very good so far!!
- It is good enough to the show, asked Angie.
- yea it fits realy good actually.

- good, i gonna go to class.

- see you later.

It was aboute 18.00 and it was me
Some teachers and Vilu was her to record some Songs for U-Mix.

I couldent get Any ideas for the song so i started to sing on "Habla Si Puedes"

" Si es que no puedes hablar no te quieres ocultar, tal vez te podria haber y el Amor que no sabe guien y que,
Hablará si tu verdad te abrazaréotra vez.
Then German came in behind me and started to sing

Habla si puedes
Grita que sientes
Dime a quien quieres
Y te hace feliz.

He started to lean in so did i.
And then i started to think i can't kiss my brother in law. I wood be wrong.
I stopped when are lips where almost touching.
I looked at him and then i looked at my piano and sad:
- thanks.
- you are welcome sad Herman and sounded a littel surprised.
- Herman what are you doing her so late?
- i walked to the Studio to pick up violetta, she has been her for a wile to work on a new song to the show.

- All right i didin't Know she was her for so long.

- she have a littel problem with the song, and so do you, or?
- yes i have not finish my song but i think i gonna make it work.

- okay i gonna take Vilu home, good luck with the song, Bye.
- bye.
- And Herman sad Angie.
Herman looked at her from the door.

- thanks.
He smiled and walked away.

He tried to kiss me, i whanted to but think if things getting complex, i Don't whant lose him as a friend and i don't whant to lose Vilu, but i am in love with him, what do i gonna do?

I whanted to kiss her so much but then she stopped and we did not kiss. She maybe don't like me in that way, but i don't Know.

Now i had to work on the song all day and all night the day whent fast and i getted finished i looked on the clock it was 20.00.

Then i started to sing my song:

No soy ave para volar,
Y en un cuadro no se pintar
No soy poeta escultor.
Tan solo soy lo que soy.

Las estrellas no se leer,
Y la luna no bajare.
No soy el cielo, ni el sol...
Tan solo soy.

Pero hay cosas que si sé,
Ven aquí y te mostraré.
En tu ojos puedo ver....
Lo puedes lograr, prueba imaginar.

Then Herman comes in and sitt next to me besides the piano and starts to sing.

Podemos pintar, colores al alma,
Podemos gritar iee eê
Podemos volar, sin tener alas...
Ser la letra en mi canción,
Y tallarme en tu voz.

No soy el sol que se pone en el mar,
No se nada que este por pasar.
No soy un príncipe azul...
Tan solo soy.

Pero hay cosas que si sé,
Ven aquí y te mostraré.
En tu ojos puedo ver....
Lo puedes lograr, (lo puedes lograr...)
Prueba imaginar.

Podemos pintar, colores al alma,
Podemos gritar iee eê
Podemos volar, sin tener alas...
Ser la letra en mi canción...

No es el destino,
Ni la suerte que vino por mi.
Lo imaginamos...
Y la magia te trajo hasta aquí...

Podemos pintar, colores al alma,
Podemos gritar iee eê
Podemos volar, si tener alas...
Ser la letra en mi canción...
Podemos pintar, colores al alma,
Podemos gritar iee eê
Podemos volar, si tener alas...
Ser la letra en mi canción...
Y tallarme en tu voz.

He looked at me so lovely, and i looked at him to. He started to lean in and i did. Are noses where touching and i wispered:
- Herman i don't think this is right.
- Angie i promise it is more then right.
Then we kissed.........

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