Chapter 15

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My lesson ended and then Herman came in to the classroom with some papers in his hands.
- Hi Herman.
- Oooo... Hi.. Angie.. I.. Come back later. Then he tried to left the room but i stopped him.
- HERMAN! Come her.
- What is it i have a hurry.
- No you have not your lesson that starts in 10 min. I Said and looked at him.
- Have you something to say? He asked.
And i getted So angry.
- Ok, i have a lot of things to say but you don't listen!
- what is it then!
- Herman. You have been my friend as long as i can remember we have had are fights but we always make it up in some how, can you please stop beeing angry.

- You Know why i am angry.
- No i don't, thats the thing!
- Ok do you wanna know? He asked and walked up to the piano where i was standing.
- YES!!
- I can't stand to see you with him.. What is his name... Pablo.
- you have Esmeralda and i love Pablo.

- I Know but i also Know that in your hart you Know how's the one.

- Herman? I..
- Don't say anything now, just think aboute it.
Then he left and i felt so unsure.


I walked out of the studio at 19.00 to the castillo hause to see Vilu.
I arrived and knocked and walked in i saw Herman and we walked straight next to each other and said:
- Herman.
- Angie.
i turned around.
- German we can't go on like this, And you Know that.
- Please Angie..
- No please Herman you are my best friend and we can't fight becuse you are a little comfused.
- You see thats the thing, i am not comfused.
- Yes you are, so please Don't fight with me. Be my friend.
Herman gave me a "LITTLE" smile.
I walked up to him with tears in my eyes and hugged him he hugged me back.
Then we released each other and looked in each others eyes.
I could not Help i had to Know without Know what i was doing "I" kissed him!
I loved the kiss it was so magical and he kissed me passionately back. I thought i have to say i did not feel anything i am with Pablo and he is great and i don't what to brake his heart.
I released him And looked in his eyes.
- There you see i Said we are not meant to be together i did not feel anything.
Then i left and walked up to Violettas room.

She kissed me!
I can't belive it i felt love for the first time after Maria.
- i can't belive she Said she did not feel anything.
I can't belive her i just can't.
Beacuse i felt so much.

I walked fast in to violettas room.
- Hi Angie what are you doing her?
- I just whanted to come and say hi.
- Ooo.. Thanks Angie... Angie i need an advice.
- Yes what has happend.

- Me and Diego Kissed!
- You did o thats great Vilu, so you love him?
- thats the thing Angie, i love Diego but i think i love Leon more but he is with Lara and i don't Know what to do.

- First you can't deny if you have feelings you have to tell Leon that you love him and let him in.
Now i just realised that, that Was the thing i had Done to Herman.
- Thanks Angie, i love you then she hugged me.

- Well i got to go now see you tomorrow.
Then i walked to the door.
- Bye Angie Said violetta.
I closed the door and out of nowhere came Herman up to me.
- Herman what are you D.......
I could not say anymore beacuse he kissed me.
I kissed back and grabed his neck.
It was so magical i can't explain how perfect it was.
We stopped then ge Said:
- Say that you didin't feel anything and i will leave you alone.

- Herman i........

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