Chapter 2

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And then Esmeralda comes in..
- What are you doing?
- Hi Esmeralda i sad.
- so we have a fight, and then you Go two the next women, so thats it, well the i don't gonna interrupt.
Then she walked away.
- Wait Esmeralda i can explain....
- then he Follows her to her door upstairs and i look at Them from down stairs without they Are knowing.
-Esmeralda I can...

-Don't.... I am sick of youre lies, Ok,
Then she slam the dorr
And German walks down the stairs.

- I'm so sorry German this is my fault.

- No Angie it's not youre fault.
It was quiet until i asked:

- What was youre fight aboute?
- We fight

-Yea she saw us yesterday smiling at each other And she become jealous.

-You see it's my fault all the time.
When you fight with Esmeralda, when
She get sad and when you get sad i think i should move home.

-No,No,No Angie i can't lose you, i need you here.
- you mean Violetta needs me, right.
-yea,yea sorry, but you can't move.
- German i promise i will come her every day and Help vilu and be her tutor, and take her to school,ok.
- i'm late for the Studio see ya.
With that she walk away.
-but Angie.....
And then she slamed the dorr.
The she run to the studio when she where There
Pablo asked:
- where have you been?
-sorry i forgot the time, but i am her now.
- You must cal if you get late so i can replase you.
- i sad i'm sorry, Ok
-Ok for this time.
And the Angie walk to her lesson.
I can't see why Pablo is so angry at me, it must be that new teacher Jackie, i think she is not good for him.
After that she whent home with Vilu.
And when they arrived to the hause vilu asked:
- is something wrong Angie i see you are sad.
-No it's nothing.
Then they walk in and se German go straight to Angie and say:
- Ok Angie we have to talk aboute this.

- Aboute what dad?
-Have you not told? Sad German and looked at Angie.
-Vilu sad German, angie is going to move home.

-WHAT sad Vilu
-Angie please stay. what dad Done now.
- nothing, nothing this is my decision. Youre dad have don't Done nothing.
Ok but i promise i will be here every morning and i will still be youre tutor, the only thing is that i live home.
- But this is youre home sad vilu.
- i think this is the best for all of us.Are you Okay vilu?

-Yea go i am fine.
And then Angie walked to her room and vilu asked German:
-Are you just gonna let her go?
- it is angies decision i can't do nothing.
-Nothing? You could have Done so much more but you are afraid dad!
-hug me! Sad she and they hug and vilu walks to her room so did German.

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