Chapter 3

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(Angies P)

I wake up and i could not sleep so i go up two the kitchen and see Herman and asks:
- Oooo...Herman what are you doing her?
- Oooo Angie, I just could not sleep and whanted a glass of milk, do you whant some?
- yea i would like some.
He halde up the milk, and i got a feeling that he was angry.
- look i'm sorry for making trubbel for you, it was dumb, and i am so sorry, is there a chanse you forgive me?

-Angie i sad it befor, it was not your fault, and i'm aorry for making you belive that i vas angry at you.

We smiled at each other and i was not sad anymore, He started to lean in a littel i did the same. We where 4 cm from each other then Angie sad:
- i have packed my things i leave tomorrow she whispered.

- Do you have to? he whispered.
- it's for the best, she sad and left.

I woke up and getted dressed i took dark blue jeans and a purple top. And my errings ofcoures.
I took my things to the car. And walked to the table and ate breakfast. Later on all of them where in the Livingroom i huggd Olga and ramallo and then Violetta i gonna miss her so. And then i hugged German
And wispered Into his ear:
- everything will be fine.
I walked out of the hause And sat in the car and drove to my aparment and getted all in the right place. And sent to sleep.

I walked to the castillo haouse to take Vilu for school and the first i see is Esmeralda and German kissing. As fast as i could i hide behind the kitchen
- And then i walked to the table and sat next to Vilu.
-Hi Vilu how are you?
-Good and you?
-i have starting writing on a new song "podemos" (ok let's pretend it was Angies song)
- i gonna play it for you in the school.
We walked to the school but something was new.
I walked to the teacher room and saw a handsome guy i asked:
- Hwo are you?
- Ooo hi we havent meet i am Jeremias, the new pianist in the school.
- Ooo hi nice to meet you.
The other teacher came,
-Ooo i see you have alresy meet Jeremias sad Antonio.

-yea. Well i should go to my lesson.
- See you later sad Jeremias.

When my lesson
Was iver i started to sing on
"tienes todo" and Jeremias stood next to the dorr without i was knowing it then he came in and started to play the piano and sing to. When we ended i sad:
- thank you for that, i loved how you did play it, it was beautieful.
-thanks you did sing it beautiefully, youre voice is so nice.

-thank you Jeremias.

- What is it i see that you are sad do you whant to talk aboute it?

- thanks i love to sing when i am nervous or sad. It helps me.
The thing is that i have fallen in love with a person that are in love with another women, and it makes me sad.
What should i do?

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