Chapter 29

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I wake up. I feel diffrent. The sun is chining outside like, perfect. I lay up in my bed and look at my dress that is hanging on the outside of my wordrobe.
- Herman is getting married today. I Said to myself.
I was tierd but on the same time i had alot of energy. Esmeralda has tooken the car to an hotel for the night so they can't meet befor the wedding. I take a red skirt on with blue jeans. I't was early. The wedding did not start in 6 hours. I was Calm. We all was free today violetta too. I go out of my room and the first thing i see is Vilu coming out of her door smiling at me.
- The Big Day. She says.
- Yes, are you exited? I ask
- yes i am. It will be great and i will sing a song after the wedding.
- Thats great Vilu. i say.
- let's go and get some breakfast. So we can make through the day. Say violetta.
We go down the stairs to the table.
I walk in to the kitchen where Olga is standing making coffe for Herman.
- Hi Olga, can you make some tea?
- Yea, sure.
- Well i gonna...
- Wait Angie. I just whanted to ask, what you are feeling about the wedding?
- Well if Herman is happy i'm happy.
- Yes but i thought that you was a bit sad of all the thing.
- No Olga why would i be that?
- You Know why? She say.
- Yes but i't would never work i mean...
- say that you love him. And i'm sure...
- No Olga this is nothing to descuss he is getting merried to Esmeralda and i'm happy for him. I say and left. I go sit next to Viloletta. We eat and when we where Done. Herman is coming to the table and sit. And ramallow to. Violetta and i go up stairs to fix with the dresses.

- Ramallow i can't get that violetta invited Diego home to us yesterday, it is driving me crasy.
- are you sure thats the thing thats make you crasy?
- What would it els be?
- i don't Know, the wedding, Angie...
- No ramallow this is nothing to descuss.
- But you love her do you?
- Yes but i don't Know if she feel the same. She always push me away.
- Yes but she is just doing i't because she is scared.
- Of what? I ask comfused.
- of you, to be in a relation with you. But she loves you at the same Time.
- What should i do, then?
- Thats the thing you got to figerout on your own. Then he left me alone at the table.

We where sitting in violettas room trying are dresses.
- What are you thinking about this one? Asks violetta and comes out with a white dress with blue roses. It is perfect for the wedding it's cute, strong, elegant totaly perfect.
- thanks Angie.
- well i am going to take my dress on, wanna see?
I go to my room and put the dress on. I go back to Violettas room and show the dress.
- O my god! It is perfect on you. You look so beautiful.
- Thanks Violetta, you too.
- the wedding starts in an Hour shall we go to the place? Asked Vilu.
- yes well should. We go out to my car, Vilu and i because Herman is going to drive with ramallow.
We are on the road i am thinking of Herman and the hole situation and i am a little stressed. It felt like it was nothing i could do.
- Are you fine Angie?
- Yes, Yes i'm fine i am just crying for how happy i am that herman is getting merried.
- No that is sad tears i see it.
- No violetta you have wrong.
- Are you sure?
- Yea i am.
- ok but tell me if it is something because i don't whant you to be sad.
- Thanks Vilu but i'm totaly fine.
We smiled at each other. We arrived.
- Her we are. Said Vilu.
I walked out of the car.
Now was the time. Now is my love getting merried to someonebut it's not me...

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