Chapter 25

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I could not belive it. Herman. No!! I getted tears in my eyes.
- But where is he?
- he is in the hospital. She Said and gave me a hug. I did not Know what to do.
- Let's go to the hospital we walked through the corridor then i walked in to the teacher room where Tomas was.
- what is it Angie? you seem upset. He Said.
- Herman is in the hospital he had an car accident. I Said and he walked up And hugged me.
- I'm so sorry, hurry to the hospital i tell Pablo.
- thanks, i Said and walked away to the Doors and leaved.
When i was beside the car Vilu was sitting there alredy.
I jump in.
- Have you called ramallow? I sak violetta.
- Yes he Said that he is on the hospital now.
- Well, let's hurry.
Then i drove the car to the hospital violetta Cryed and was so worryd me too. I took her hand.
- it is gonna be fine, i promise.
- I hope you have right Angie.
We where on the Parking to the hospital. I took the keys and violetta leaved the car fast. I looked the car and walked in too.
I walk to the reception. And violetta stands there waiting.
- Herman casillo? In witch room is Herman casillo? I sak worryd.
- Are you relatives to him? The receptionist.
- Yea she is his daugther and i am her aunt.
- Yes, he is in room.. 503.
- ok let's go we quickly left and walked to room door to room door and tryed to find the right one.
We finally find room 503 we walk in and see Herman in a bed with closet eyes and ramallow sitting on a shear next to him.
Ramallow sitts up when he see us.
- Hi he says.
Then violetta run up to the bed.
And sitt next to him.
- Have you called Esmeralda? I sak him.
- Yea she will come sun.
- ok, how is he?
- He is a bit dizzy from the crash and he has an broken arm but the resultats are not sure yet. He says.

I go up to the bed and sitts on the other side.
He Wakes up.
- Violetta? angie?
- you had an car accident. I Said.
- Ooo.. I understand. But canninöeqve the hospital?
- you can leave tomorrow. Said the doctor.
- and we gonna stay as long as we can.
Said Vilu.
- thanks me darling.
Ramallow comes up to us.
- Esmeralda are in the other side of toan so she will come tomorrow.
- TOMORROW! I scream.
He has an broken arm she should come right away.
- Calm down Angie i'm fine Said Herman.
- Ok. I Said
I't turned late i't was 18.00 a clock and Vilu and i sat beside the bed there had Herman fallen asleep. He looked so cute when he was asleep.
- I'm so hungry i gonna get something from the sandwith machine out there whant one? Asked Vilu.
- No thanks i gonna sit her. I Said.
- Ok. she Said and left.
I sat there thinking of herman and our moments we had together latly. I Know i love him but i can't. I sit and look at him.
- if i could i would make you better i wispered to my self.
I was over him. I took his cheeks and leaned in and kissed him passionetlly on the lips.Then he open his eyes. I release him fast.
- Herman i'm so sorry i did not...
- Angie it's ok, i promise he Said with a big grin.
- But you are with Esmeralda then i kiss you and i did not...
- Calm down he Said and took my arm and tryed to kiss me again.
- No Herman, i Know what you think but that kiss did not change anything.
- But...
- But nothing. Ok i should never had kissed yo...
- then why? He asked
- Because i felt sorry for you.
- is that all? He asked
- yes. I lied. I should never kissed you i Said and walked out of the door.

- Angie where are you going? Violetta asked.
- Home i am so tierd. I call ramallow then he kan pick you up.
- ok, but..
- Gotta go bye i Said and kissed her head and walked away.

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