Chapter 10

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And see.... Tomas.

- Are you okay, He asks me.
I was so close to his face. HE WAS LEANING IN!!
I stopped him and sad
- i'm okay, thanks for stopping me to fall.
- you are welcome.
- then he liften me up and i was so close to his lips.
- ANGIE? Sad Herman from behind.
- Herman.
I could see he was heart broken.
Then he left without saying a Word.
- Herman wait i sad and run after him.
We where outside in the park besides the Studio.

- Herman wait!
- what is it? Asked herman
- why are you so angry? Asked Angie

Then he turns to Angie.
- why? Is that the thing you asks me?
- yes i don't Know why you are so sad and angry. Sad Angie

- Ooo so you deny what i saw?
- what did you saw nothing happend.
- Ooo so you where not going to kiss him then?
- Herman it was he, not me, i would never do something like that to you, and you Know that!
- but...
- but nothing, the only one i love stand right her infront of me. He looked still little unsure. And walked away.
- Herman!..... Kiss me!
He walked fast to me and kissed me so passionately, and so long.

I arrived to the castillo hause and when i open the door i see Esmeralda and Herman stand ther kissing, i was so sad and heart broken i walk out of the house, and her Herman shout my name but i disin't care. I walk to the park and walked to a bench and sit with my face in my hands.
Then i her a person come and sit next to me i look up and see... Tomas.
- Angie what is it?
- i don't whant to talk aboute it.
- please don't cry you are to pretty for it.
- thanks Tomas you are so sweet.
- should i walk with you to the Studio. He asks.
-No i promise i'm fine i gonna come later.
- are you sure he asks.
- Yea go now or you gonna be late.
He walks and i sit there and think then Herman comes i sit up and start to talk:

- Don't you Dare come near me!
- i'm sorry Angie please let me explain..
- No! I don't think this is gonna work.
- Please Angie i love you, i need you don't do this.

- Herman if you love me so much as you say, just let me go, Okay.
- i walk away crying, to the Studio.

"1 month later"
I working at the studio it is fine the show has been and it was fantastic. and i think i have feelings for Tomas i don't know but i miss Herman so much, but he did break my hart and a thing i have heard is that he and Esmeralda are together now again. I am so angry!!
But i think they don't gonna be together for a long time.

- Hey, Angie sad Tomas.
- hey Tomas what is it.

- yea hey do you wanna come to my hause after class, so we can check all the persons paper and select.
- yes okay great see you at your hause then, bye.
Yea we searches for a new keyboard player for the studio and we gonna select tonight.

My class has end and i walked to Tomas house.
I knocked on the dorr, and he opened.
- Hi Angie come in. Sad Tomas
- thanks Tomas, och you can hang your jacket there and come to the Livingroom, i will go and get the papers.
- ok.
I walked in to the Livingroom it was so nice. I sat down next to the table, then Tomas came:
- Ok, i got the papers he sad and smiled.
We looked a LOT on all the papers and laught and had fun then Tomas sad:
- Her is a good guy sad Tomas
: i am a guy that can play the piano good and just whant a summer job this summer. I can come to the Studio if you call then you can her me play.
I think this guy would be perfect if we her him play good.

- yea do he live her?
- yes i does.
- that is great should we call him? Asked Angie.
- Yea i will call him now.
He walked away and called.
He came back after 8 min and sad:
- it will work he comes tomorrow to the Studio to play.
- thats great sad Angie and hugged him then when they broke the hug they looked in to each others eyes then....

Please, Be the one i love (Germangie Story)Where stories live. Discover now