Chapter 27

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Then... I hear violetta close her door. I release him fast. He looks at me comfused. But the look up.

- hi, dad are you Redy for your date?
She ask walking down the stairs.
- Yes. He says.
Then Esmeralda comes out of her room down the stairs in a black dress.
- Shall we go handsome? Sha asks.
- Yes. Bye violetta, Angie.

After some hours//
I sit in the kitchen read
" fifty shades of grey" and then i hear Herman and Esmeralda come through the door.
- good night Herman.
- good night Esmeralda. Then she walked up the stairs.
I walk up to Herman.
- So how did the date go?
- It whent well.
- Good. When do the wedding gonna take place then?
- Well we talked about it and it gonna be in three days at friday.
- Ooo... So sun i Said.
- Yea we thought it would be best.
- well congrats i Said and getted to bed.
I was so sad. THREE DAYS? I don't Know what to do.
i go up and get dressed, then i going down the stairs to the Livingroom then Esmeralda comes up to me.
- So, do you gonna come to the wedding? she ask angry
- Well we shall see. i say and try to walk away but she stop me.
- Do you think you have a chanse?
- A chanse? I ask comfused.
- On Herman.
- Esmeralda i don't Know what you are talking about.
- Well Angie if you are don't. Then think about it. She say.
I look down and walk away.
I Ate breakfast with Vilu the we headed to the studio.
I go to the teacherroom and see Tomas.
- Hi Tomas how are you?
- Good and you?
- Nan, i'm a little sad because of Hermans wedding but if hi is happy i am happy.
- Well do you don't gonna say to Herman how you feel?
- No Tomas are relation is so bad and right on the same time it would never work.
- i understand but you can think about it?
-Yea sure, When is it?
- On friday.
- Yea i can.
- great. Well i have Class now so..
- Ok bye.

After my classes me and Vilu walked home.
On the way we talked about the wedding.
- well we got to look for dresses. Said Vilu exited.
- Yea i have one but i don't Know if i will where it.
We arrived and walke up the stairs.
- go in and change to your dress and then you gonna decide i whant all the details tomorrow. Said Vilu.
- Yea great. Night Vilu.
- Good night.
I walk Into my room to look for my dress. I go to my wordrobe and take it out and lay it down on my bed it was a white dress with red roses on.
( you can see how it looks like on the picture of this chapter)
I took the light down and had one lamp on that was on my cupboard. I take black heels on and the dress without take the zip up. I look in the mirror and things it looks great then i hear a knock on the door. I think it is Vilu so i say.
- Come In.
Then i see Herman coming in. But when he see me he looks at me with open mouth.
- What is it? I ask comfused.
- No it's just that you are...So...Beautiful. He say and smile at me.
- Thanks. I say and smile at him.
- How is your arm? I ask.
- Like new he say and show me the arm.
I laught a bit.
- Can you zip up? I ask and take my hair up.
- Sure. he says and goes up to me. He seemed nervus. We stood infront of the mirror. I looked in the mirror at him. He touched me so gently. The zip was long from up to my neck to low on my back.
He started to zip up. I felt i't go up on my back and up to my neck slowly. I Melted of his touch. When it's Done he heald my arms. He started to go down slow with his head and kiss my neck so gently. I turn around and let my hair down and looks at him.
- Herman.. I...
I could not say anymore because he whent down and kissed me. I kissed back and we kissed so passionetlly. We heald each other tight. I heald his neck and he heald my waist.
We did finally release each other. We had are heads together.
- Why do you do this to me? I wispered.
- I could not heald myself back anymore. He wispered.
- Herman you are getting married in Two days. I wispered.
- I Know.
- But what are we going to do? I ask
He think a bit.
- Herman, let's pretend this never happend.
- No Angie we can't...
- Herman you are getting married, and i don't wanna be rude.
- what do you mean? He ask.
- i Know you are just comfused. And all this is just becuase you feel like Esmeralda is not the right woman for you.
- Thats not true. Says Herman.
- Yes it is. And i got to get some sleep. So leave my room please.
He did not say Anymore he just leaved.
I walked behind and closed the door behind him. My heart was in Peases when i layed down in bed and tryed to get some sleep...

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