Chapter 3

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Veronica woke up the morning after her 2nd place win. (Takes place the day of Sapnap's race in Chapter 2).

She stepped out of her trailer, being the only one awake at the ungodly hour of 6 AM. She immediately felt the morning breeze that sent shivers up her spine and made the hairs on her arms stand up. Sadly, she didn't have her hoodie at the moment seeing as Alec had fallen asleep wearing it. Veronica sat down in a chair that the group had set up outside of the trailer. She poured herself some coffee that the Manburg employees provided for the racers and their crew.

In the trailer next to her, Dream had woken up around the same time, stepping out into the cold morning air. He poured himself some coffee before noticing the lone racer. He glanced at the trailer he stayed in, knowing Sapnap wouldn't like it if he went over to talk to her. Dream sighed quietly, walking over to the girl with his coffee.

"Hey! Mind if I join you?" Dream asked the girl who looked up at him with a curious look.

"Uh, sure. Go for it." Veronica said with a slight yawn.

Dream sat down in the chair next to her.

"Nice race the other day." Dream smiled at her.
"Thanks. You're Dream right? I think George talked about you."

"I am! Glad to know he talks about me." Dream chuckled.

"He does, highly too. You are pretty important to him."

"He's one of my best friends."

"Better not hurt him. I got a race car and I will not hesitate to run you over." Veronica told him.

"Understood." Dream laughed.

The two sat, talking to each other through the morning until Sapnap and Karl exited their trailer, seeing Dream laughing with Veronica. Sapnap was not happy to say the least. Karl noticed, pulling Sapnap away to get them coffee.

"Karl, stop. Let me go talk to them." Sapnap told Karl.

"Just leave it, Sap. They are enjoying themselves. Come on, let's get coffee."

"My best friend is talking to the enemy, Karl, and you want to get coffee."

"Sap, I promise you, if anything happens you can blame me. For now, leave it and come get coffee with me."

Sapnap sighed, turning and walking to get coffee with Karl. Dream and Veronica were in their own world. They were getting to know each other and telling jokes to make the other laugh. It was pleasant.

After 20 minutes, Karl and Sapnap returned. Sapnap saw that Dream was still with Veronica and now Alec and Eret were with them.

"That's it." Sapnap told Karl, handing him the coffee.

"Sapnap, don't." Karl told him.

"They are going to steal my best friend!" Sapnap exclaimed, a little too loudly. He had gained the attention of the group he was talking about.

Dream looked at Veronica, "I should go." He sighed.

"Yeah, it was nice talking to you. I need a break from these losers sometimes." Veronica chuckled, elbowing her brother.

"Hopefully we can do this again. I rather enjoyed it." Dream said as he stood up.

"Good luck with your race today." Eret told him as he walked off.

You make my heart Race//Sapnap x oc (Eret x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now