Chapter 24

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(TW: car crash)

"Please, please, please can I go see her, Phil?" Tommy asked for the 10th time.

"No, you can't. Go hang out with Ranboo and Tubbo. I have to make a call." Phil told his youngest son.

"Mi mi mi mi" Tommy mocked, rolling his eyes as he walked over to Ranboo and Tubbo.

"He still say no?" Ranboo asked.

"Yeah, it's bullshit." Tommy groaned.

"Maybe there is a good reason." Tubbo tried.

"I doubt it. She's probably healing right now and is bored out of her mind because she only has Technoblade to talk to." Tommy sighed.

"Maybe she's asleep." Ranboo shrugged.

"You two are no help." Tommy shook his head, walking away from his two friends.

"Dream!" Tommy shouted, approaching the blonde man.

"Hey, Tommy. What's up?" Dream asked, wiping part of the muddy race car. Dream had been fixing up Veronica's car as a way to keep himself mostly distracted.

"Why won't anyone tell me anything?" Tommy asked.

"What do you mean?" Dream tilted his head.

"No one will tell me what's going on with Veronica. Why can't I go visit her if she's fine?" Tommy crossed his arms.

"Tommy, I'm busy." Dream said. Shutting down Tommy's questions and going back to what he was doing.

"Of fucking course you are." Tommy mumbled, walking off.

Tommy had approached multiple people, asking them the same thing and receiving the same answers. He got tired of it. He spotted Phil's car keys sitting on a table next to Phil. Tommy watched as Phil answered his phone, putting it up to his ear and walking away to talk to the person on the phone. Tommy took this opportunity to walk over, grab the keys, and walk away like nothing happened.

He made sure he was out of eyesight before Phil came back. Phil often parked further away from the others so that he could pull out of the drive way easier. Tommy looked around, making sure no one was looking his way before he took off running to Phil's car. He climbed inside, locking the doors just in case someone had seen him.

"If they won't take me. I'll take myself." Tommy said out loud to no one but the open air.

He put the key in the ignition and started it. He could drive, kinda. He was still learning but didn't care all that much at the moment. He pulled out of the driveway, driving off. He had GPS on his phone to the hospital.

Tubbo had seen the car pull out and remembered that he had just seen Phil take a phone call. Tubbo turned, seeing Phil still there. He also saw all of the adults still where they had been beforehand. He saw the blonde teen through the car window, gasping and running to warn everyone.

"Tommy took Phil's car!" Tubbo yelled as he ran up to the big group.

They all turned to him wildly, looking where Phil's car had been and seeing it not there. In an instant, Karl and Dream were both in their cars, driving off after the reckless teen.

The other adults went in different directions, some going to warn other members of the group, some going to tell Phil. Ranboo walked up to Tubbo, hugging him. The two were worried about the boy.

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