Chapter 12

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Over the course of the next few days, Veronica and Sapnap had been avoiding each other. They stayed with their crews. Sapnap disappeared when the two crews spoke to each other.

This time, Veronica disappeared.

"Guys, where did Ronnie go?" George asked.

"Probably went to go find Techno." Alec shrugged.

Eret hadn't spoken to Alec since she confessed. Anytime they tried, Alec would avoid them.

"I'm gonna go with Vero." Eret mumbled, walking off.

Everyone was too into the conversation to notice that he and Jack had disappeared. Jack followed after Eret. The three had become a sort of trio. Where one was, the other two weren't far behind.

Veronica felt guilty that she hadn't spoken to Fundy about anything that was happening. She knew that he had noticed her telling him less and less than she normally would have.

The three walked together up to Techno's crew. Tommy and Tubbo were on the ground wrestling each other. Ranboo was having a conversation with Techno and Phil. Wilbur was laughing at the two on the ground.

Veronica chuckled as she walked up. Tommy stopped fighting Tubbo back and scrambled to get off the ground. It confused the hell out of Tubbo. Tommy pushed Tubbo off him, getting up, and running over to Veronica.
"Hey there." Veronica chuckled as she hugged the tall blonde teen.

"Veronica!" Tubbo grinned, getting up and walking over.

Veronica messed with the boy's brown hair.

"Hi Tubs." Veronica smiled at him.

"Who are these pricks?" Tommy asked as he pulled away from the girl.

Wilbur walked over, wrapping an arm around Veronica's shoulder.

"This is Eret and Jack. You know Eret already. Jack is the newbie."

"Oi! I am not that new." Jack huffed.

"You joined last week!" Eret pointed out.

"Well at least I am not a child." Jack crossed his arms.

"Aye! What the fuck man?!" Tommy shouted, beginning to argue with Jack.

Eret wandered over to Phil who was standing by himself now. Techno and Ranboo walked over to Veronica.

Veronica hugged Tubbo, Ranboo joining them.

"Have you both been behaving?" Veronica asked the two teens.

"Of course!" Ranboo grinned.

"Absolutely not." Tubbo responded with a laugh.

Veronica shook her head with a chuckle. Wilbur hugged her from behind.

"Hi Wilba." Veronica greeted, turning around and hugging the tall male.

"Hello Ronica." Wilbur rested his head on hers.

Wilbur was the only one who had never been thought of as a brother by Veronica. Mainly because they used to be a thing when they were in high school. Now they are close friends.

"How's Sally?" Veronica asked as she pulled away from the hug.

"Oh you know. Same old." Wilbur grinned.

Sally Soot, Wilbur's wife. Veronica had set the two up about two months after Wilbur and her break up. Sally is currently pregnant with their first child. Veronica was very excited for them.

You make my heart Race//Sapnap x oc (Eret x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now