Chapter 20

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TW: Crash, Coma

"Hello Manburg RaceWay! I'm Slimecicle and I will be your announcer tonight just like I am every night! Today is the rematch of the finals! Due to many complaints and reports of favoritism, we have been forced to allow Jared Johnson to compete in today's race. I wish everyone a clean and safe race today!" Slimecicle's voice announced.

Veronica rolled her shoulders, cracking them as she put her helmet on. She took a deep breath and got into her car, starting the engine and taking in the smell. After a few moments she put one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the shift. Veronica closed her eyes, blocking everyone out of her mind other than winning and her brother's voice.

"You got this, Vero. I believe in you." Alec told his sister.

"Love you, Alec." Veronica smiled.

"Love you too. Now let's win this shit." Alec laughed.

"Let's do it!" Veronica cheered.

"Tommy wishes you luck again." Alec told her, looking at Tommy who was standing next to him.

"Tell him thank you." Veronica chuckled.

"He said you're welcome and that he is going to stay next to me the whole race cause it has a better view and Tubbo is being a dickhead." Alec laughed.

"Sounds about right." Veronica shook her head.

"Get ready, racers!" Slime shouted.

Veronica took a final deep breath. In as the flag changed to yellow. Out as it changed to green and as she stepped on the gas. Out of the gate, Techno was in first, Sapnap was behind him, Veronica behind Sapnap and Jared in last. Just like the last race.

"And we are off! Just like the last race, we have Blade followed by Flame then Jones and finally Johnson! 1st lap of 30! Let's go!" Slime cheered.

Veronica kept calm, pressing down on the gas pedal more as Sapnap began to get further away from her. She could see Jared's car in her mirror.

"You think she's got this?" Jack asked Niki.

"I think so." Niki told Jack, smiling.

"We are glad to have you with us bud." Fundy told Jack, patting his back.

"Glad to be here furry." Jack smiled.

"You ruined the moment." Fundy deadpanned.

"It's my specialty." Jack nodded.

"Guys, 79 is going to pass her." Eret told the group, causing them to shut up and pay attention.

"Lap 10! Jared Johnson has passed Veronica Jones, putting the famous female racer in last place! Sapnap Flame and Techno Blade are still battling it out for first place!" Slime announced.

"Something's off." Eret told the group, standing up.

"The car is in fine condition though?" Fundy said, checking the stats of the car.

"Not with Veronica. With Johnson. His car seems to be messing up." Eret spoke.

"What?!" Jack asked, alarmed.

"Niki go tell Johnson's crew." Fundy told her.

Niki nodded, walking off at once to tell them. She came back not too long later with a confused look on her face.

"Are they fixing it?" Eret asked.

"They said it was on purpose?" Niki told them.

Jack and Fundy looked at each other, then at the other two.

"If 79's car ends up crashing or slowing down, Veronica will crash. There won't be enough time for her to stop it." Fundy explained.

"We need to tell Alec. Now." Eret told them.

"We can't get up there." Niki told them.

"No, but Ranboo can." Jack said, running off to find the tall teenager.

"That is very specific." Fundy said, confused.

"It's because Tommy is up there. They allowed him up there to get Tommy if needed." Eret explained.

Jack ran over to the Minecraft crew. Or in this case, Wilbur, Tubbo, and Ranboo.

"Jack? Everything okay?" Wilbur asked.

"No. Johnson is purposely slowing down. Veronica isn't going to have time to stop and she'll crash. We can't get to Alec. We need Ranboo." Jack explained, panting.

"I'll go tell him." Ranboo nodded, taking off running to the place where the communicators were. He entered, walking over to Alec, confusing Phil, Tommy, and Dream.

"Alec. You need to get her to slow down. She's gonna crash." Ranboo told him between breaths.

"What? She's fine?" Alec said, muting his mic.

"No, you don't understand. Look at 79. It's slowing down." Ranboo explained.

Tommy stood up, watching the track intensely.

"Fuck, he's gonna break check her." Alec muttered, unmuting his mic but he was too late.

Just as Alec unmuted his mic, Jared slammed on his breaks, causing the girl to slam on her own to no avail. Veronica crashed into the back of Jared's car, causing her to spin off the track and into a wall, hard. The windows were broken and the car was totaled. Veronica was out upon impact.

Silence fell on the crowd, the other racers didn't notice.

"All racers must come to a stop. Racer Veronica Jones has been crashed by Jared Johnson. Johnson has been disqualified. All medics to Jones." Slimecicle's voice spoke through the announcements.

The racers did as they were told, slowing down to a stop. They all got out of their cars, looking for where Veronica had crashed. The medics were already on their way to her car once Sapnap and Techno spotted her. Both were about to go over to her, only to be stopped by Manburg employees who led them to their crews.

They couldn't tell what was going on or if Veronica was okay. Not until one medic yelled.

"Victim unconscious. Get her into the truck now." The medic shouted.

Everyone who was watching, felt their hearts drop. The fans in worry for their racer, the friends in worry for their friend. Fundy took off running from where he stood to where they were loading her into the ambulance.

"Let me come with you. She's my best friend." Fundy told one of them.

They looked at another medic and then nodded, allowing Fundy into the ambulance with them. They then drove off with Fundy and Veronica. 

Last chapter for tonight lol, <3


Word Count: 963

You make my heart Race//Sapnap x oc (Eret x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now