Chapter 10

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A couple days later. The Jones crew was all at the race track, getting ready to run a practice lap around the track. Fundy and Dream needed to gauge what the car could handle and be improved. The only Jones crewmate that wasn't there, was Veronica.

Sapnap approached the trailer, knocking on it. He wanted to talk to her and Dream. Veronica opened the door, clearly surprised to see Sapnap.

"Is Dream here?" Sapnap asked her.

"No, he went to the track with the others." Veronica told him, beginning to close the door.

Sapnap was pushed into the trailer, causing Veronica to be knocked over and Sapnap to fall onto her. The door slammed shut.

"Flame! Get off me!" Veronica told him.

Sapnap did so, standing. Veronica stood as well, rushing to the door to try and open it. Despite the efforts, the door wouldn't budge.

"Well. We are stuck here now." Veronica groaned, sitting on one of the beds.

"For fucks sake." Sapnap muttered, sitting on another one.

"Of course this happens. Of course I get stuck in here with you." Veronica face palmed.

"I'm not that bad!"

"You sure act it!"

And thus the fighting began. The two sat in the trailer, yelling at each other. On the other side of the door, Jared smirked, high fiving his crew and laughing as they walked off to the track.

With the Jones Crew:

Dream and Fundy were finishing up Veronica's car while Eret and Niki waited to show her the new racing suit they made. Alec was sitting with Niki and Eret when Fundy pointed something out.

"It's been like, 30 minutes. Where is Veronica?" Fundy asked, wiping the grease off his forehead.

"Good question. She said she was running to the store quickly." Alec said, pulling out his phone to text Veronica.
Her phone went off next to Niki.

"And she left her phone here." Eret pointed out, groaning.

"Maybe we should postpone our testing." Dream suggested.

"Probably have to. Flame crew is supposed to use the track after us." Niki informed the group.

"We will just keep working on the car then." Dream told them, going back to fiddling with the engine.

"Alec and I will go tell the Flame crew they can start whenever." Niki smiled.

"Sounds good, Niki." Fundy nodded, sliding back under the car to continue what he was working on.

Alec and Niki got up, walking over to where the orange car with the number 93 on it, had been sitting.

"Alec, Niki! What brings you guys over?" George asked.

"Veronica is a no show. You guys can start test running whenever." Alec told them.

"Veronica's a no show? So is Sapnap. We haven't seen him in a while. Said he was going to go do something important." Karl frowned.

"So both of our racers are missing. That.. doesn't make me less worried. Just more." Alec ran his hand through his hair.

"They are both responsible though. I am sure they are probably fine." Quackity told Alec, sitting on Karl's lap cause there were no more chairs.

You make my heart Race//Sapnap x oc (Eret x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now