Chapter 25

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Veronica walked through the walls over to Tommy's room. She saw Techno, Wilbur, and Phil all sitting around the bed that Tommy was in.

"Ro?" Tommy's voice asked from behind her.

She turned around, smiling at him.

"You weren't supposed to join me, loser." Veronica chuckled, wrapping her ghostly arms around the boy's also ghostly body.

"Where are we?" He asked, hugging back but looking around.

"Weird to see yourself in the bed, huh? We are still alive. It's like an astral projection type thing." Veronica shrugged, pulling away from the hug.

"An out of body experience." Tommy nodded slowly.

"Exactly. We aren't dead, just sleeping while our consciousness is here." Veronica motioned to the two of them.

"That's kinda cool." Tommy mumbled.

"How did you get yourself here?" Veronica asked.

"No one would tell me what was going on so I stole Phil's car and drove here." Tommy started to explain.

"I heard Karl tell Techno you were hit by a truck." Veronica frowned.

"Yeah, so much for my first time driving going well." Tommy huffed, crossing his arms.

"Did you ever figure out what everyone was keeping from you?" Veronica asked.

"No. What's going on with you? No one would tell me or let me come visit." Tommy complained.

"I'm in a coma, Toms. They don't think I'm gonna wake up." Veronica explained.

"But you have to wake up. Everyone needs you." Tommy furrowed his eyebrows.

"That isn't how it works Tommy. For you, when you are ready to wake up, you just lay down on your body and you'll wake up. For me.. The fates are deciding if it's time for my string of life to be cut." Veronica said sadly.

"I'm not waking up unless you are." Tommy declared.
"You have to, Tommy. So many people need you. You have so much more of your life to live." Veronica said, taking Tommy's hands into her own.

"So do you. You aren't that much older than me, y'know." Tommy argued.

"We can talk about this later. Come on, let's take a walk." Veronica told the boy, changing the subject.

"Fine, sure." Tommy sighed, walking out of the room with her.

The two walked through the hospital, talking about things that Tommy came up with as they walked. They watched as Tubbo and Ranboo walked into the hospital with Quackity.

"Tubbo." Tommy said upon seeing them, the conversation he was having ended there.

Tubbo was holding onto Ranboo, tears streaming down his face as Quackity walked up to the reception desk and got Tommy's room number.

"He misses you." Veronica said from next to him.

It had been a day at this point. They walked for a long time.

"He has Ranboo, he doesn't need me." Tommy mumbled.

"You are his best friend. You always will be. Sure Ranboo is also close to him, but you'll always be his number one." Veronica reassured him.

"Maybe, maybe." Tommy sighed, walking up to the two teens who couldn't see him.

"Even Ranboo misses you, loser." Veronica nudged him.

"Ranboo is my brother, of course he does." Tommy rolled his eyes.

"Come on. Let's head back to your room. You look tired." Veronica held her hand out to him.

"Just a bit." Tommy said, taking her hand.

Why the fuck do these seems so long but just aren't :(


Word Count: 529

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