Chapter 4

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"Veronica you need to be careful, 79 looks like they are trying to crash you." Alec spoke through the headset.

Veronica was on her 10th lap of her 15 lap race. Techno and Sapnap's groups weren't racing today.

"How do I get him off my back then!" The girl asked, pressing down on the gas pedal.

"I'll connect Fundy to the call." Alec said, doing so.

"I have no idea how to help you here V. Just be cautious. Second place is better than you crashing." Fundy said as soon as he joined the call.

Veronica didn't respond, she got rammed in the back by number 79.

"V! Let him pass!" Alec told her.

"I'm trying! He isn't taking it." Veronica explained, her body jolting forward again as she was hit.

This happened a couple more times, the other car spinning Veronica out into a wall, causing her to try her best to regain control of the car as it happened. After impact, it was silent besides Alec trying to get her to respond. The crowd was also silent. Veronica's heavy breathing got picked up through the mic as she turned the wheel towards the track and took off. She was pissed now.

"Time to beat this bitches ass." Veronica said through her clenched jaw. The girl had a mild concussion from impact and whiplash.

"No, it's time to get off the track and get you checked on." Alec tried.

"I will turn off your communications." Veronica threatened as she breezed past the majority of the other racers, finding herself behind third place.

"Alec. Are these two from the same crew?" Veronica asked. The numbers were the same.

"I believe so." Alec responded as Veronica passed one of them.

All that was left was the guy who spun her out.

"Ro, if you don't slow down you will crash again." A new voice spoke, one she recognized.

"I'll be fine, Tommy." Veronica responded, her hands gripping the wheel tighter.

Tommy had been in the crowd with his crew, watching the race. When he saw what happened, no one could stop him from jumping the fence that closed off the speakers from the crowd. He ran up the stairs, making his way to where Alec was. Alec reluctantly handed Tommy the headset for a little bit. Tommy was worried that the female racer would get seriously injured like his brother had done once. Alec took the communications back, Tommy sitting with him.

"Veronica, be careful. I believe in you. You can do this." Alec spoke carefully.

Veronica subconsciously nodded, gripping the steering wheel tighter and pressing down on the gas pedal.

"As long as I get second, I'm still in the finals." Veronica told Alec who hummed in agreement.

Unfortunately for Veronica, the guy in front of her brake checked her by hitting his brakes and causing the girl to crash into the back of his car. Veronica groaned in annoyance and slight pain seeing as she just got jolted forward. 79 took off once more, soon crossing the finish line with her behind him and his teammate following in third. There were no words to properly exclaim how pissed off this race had made the girl.

She stepped out of her car, looking at the racer who had beat her. The man wore a smug look on his face, he had short brown hair and stood at about 6 foot. He was wearing a black racing suit with yellow and gold accents. The two made eye contact and Veronica felt her blood boil in anger. She could recognize that man from miles away and want to start screaming.

Alec ran over to his sister, grabbing her shoulders gently and checking to make sure she wasn't injured. He noticed that the girl made no effort to communicate and was instead staring at the man. Once Alec saw the man, he felt as if he were going to faint.

Fundy walked over, grabbing his best friend's hand gently as he pulled her away. Eret had done the same to Alec. Both of the Jones siblings were numb and their faces held blank looks. Their crew mates, their friends, were extremely worried about them.

To Veronica and Alec, it was as if everything in the world had shut down around them and the ground was ready to swallow them up at any moment. The words that their friends spoke to them fell to deaf ears as the siblings looked at each other and understood how the other felt without a single word spoken.

Technoblade spotted the ground and walked over with his crew to congratulate the girl on her second place as well as to make sure she wasn't injured from the crashes. Wilbur had been the first to notice how the two siblings were acting.

Alec was the first of the two to speak, addressing everyone who had been listening to him.

"Veronica and I are gonna go for a drive. Don't wait up."

Was all Alec said before he and Veronica silently walked away from their friends who were left baffled and confused.

When Alec spoke, it had been clear that something had caused a mood shift in his mind. His cheerful voice that could almost instantly brighten someone's day, had gone dull and monotone in a matter of a few minutes. Each of the other individuals that had been left behind by Veronica and Alec, looked at each other as if trying to gather an answer just by looking at them. No one could quite understand what happened. Hell, not even Tommy was talking this time.

"I am sure they will be back at some point. Let's just head back to our trailers and eat, it's almost lunch time." Eret's voice spoke, breaking everyone from their group staring contest.

Techno was the next to speak through the silence that had been so loud despite all of the sounds of people talking and cars driving past, "I agree with Eret. If they wanted to talk with us they wouldn't have gone off. All we can do is wait for them to come back."

Reluctantly, everyone agreed. Most of them had gone to the Minecraft trailer, sitting with each other and holding a pleasant conversation while they ate the food provided by the Manburg RaceWay workers. 

Sorry this took so long, my motivation has gone through the window


Word Count: 1054

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