03 Triggered

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"You're still awake?" I stated as I entered our bedroom and found Alec reading one of my many books and which by the way, most of those are gifts.

"I was waiting for you." he said, putting the book down on his side table.

"Sorry. I have new interns in the lab. They're not familiar with the protocols yet." I exhale, flopping down on the bed and burying my face on his chest to smell his fragrance.

"Your interns are ten-years-old." Alec quip.

"Right. But enough with shop talk." I said before I make way to his adoring lips "It's our time."

I climbed on top of him with our mouths still attached. My hands were griping his shoulders down to the hem of his shirt. Our lips briefly pulled apart as I pull his shirt tossing it somewhere on the floor.

My hands dig through his skin as he gripped my hips tightly. As the moment got heated... a voice suddenly spoke, immediately spooked us.

"Go ahead..." Jonathan, who's still wearing Sebastian's face is standing by the bedroom doorframe. Alec and I pry apart and he shield me behind him "...kill him."

"Jonathan?" I gasped.

"What are you waiting for?" Jonathan growled, taking a step towards us "Kill him!"

"What the hell are you doing here?" Alec hissed.

"Take that katana..." Jonathan pointed to the katanas that is resting on my side table "...and stab it through his heart."

I just stared at him in disbelief.

He's not supposed to be here.

He should be dead.

He is dead.

"If you don't, I will." Jonathan leaped towards my weapon. I quickly grabbed it before he does.

I jumped out of the bed and aim my weapon on him while Alec churn out of the bed to take a blade for himself. I lunge the katana on Jonathan but he caught my arm, twisting it as he pull it upwards before he dive it back with force in the space between us, stabbing Alec in the abdomen, who came forward about to attack him.

Jonathan then pulled the katana out with my hands. I stared at my blade as it drips blood. Alec then fell, kneeling down on the floor bleeding while grasping his wound.

"No!" I cried kneeling down in front of Alec. Jonathan laughed watching Alec dying "...Alec?"

No... this is not happening.


"Alec, no!" I gasped, sitting up on the bed while panting from suddenly waking up from sleep.

Oh thank God!

It's a nightmare... it's just a nightmare.

I feverishly wiped the hair on my face to the side, amassed because of my sweat. I breath heavily while grasping my forehead... when I removed my hand on my temple, I noticed that there was blood smeared on it.

Looking down the blanket to see it cover with more blood. My eyes slowly follow the blood trail, heading to Alec's bedside. There he was... pale colored with my katana pierced all the way through on his chest, impaling him on the bed.

"No..." I cried, trying to wake Alec "Please..."

A laughed then emerged on my side... it was Jonathan... again.

"No!" I shriek as I woke up, flustered and disoriented. My breathe hitches down my throat as my heart rapidly beats million thumps per hour. My shirt is soaking from sweat.

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