19 No Rest for the Wicked Soul: New York Institute (Part One)

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"Okay, we have to get Clary. We have to save her." I stresses.

We got a word from the Inquisitor that Clary was penalize to death sentence for using the Wish. Now they know Jace and Maddie was brought back from the dead using the only Wish Angel Raziel gave us.

"How? All travels in and out of Idris are banned." Alec sighed, his hand gripping the end of his desk table.

"What about the Imogen? Can't she do something?"

Imogen is now recovering from Maddie and Jace's attack on her. Fortunately, we found her in time as she was bleeding from laceration on her finger. She's the one who told us that Maddie and Jace were at the Cemetery of the Disgrace before she was wheeled to Basilias.

"She's willing to help us but not as to defy orders." Lei said, his arms cross across his chest "But Imogen was able to keep the lid on Jace and Maddie. Only Consul Penhallow knows and she agree to not serve a warrant until she find everything that's going on first."

"So what do we do now? We can't leave Clary." I started to pacing around the room.


"So sorry to interrupt." Magnus said, entering the HI office.

"Looks like someone needs a coffee." I commented, noticing the exhausted look on his face.

"Oh no, thank you... I already had six." Magnus wearily smile "So, I was up all night researching the dark magic that Lilith has been using on Jace and Maddie. I may have found a way to free them." Magnus said, beamingly happy he was able to deliver a good news.

"How?" Lei gasped by the good news.

"Based on your descriptions," Magnus referred to Alec and me "it seems Lilith has them locked in some kind of a mental cage hence, the looped nightmares, and the only solution to breaking that cage is by blasting them-- or at least one of them with enough magic to eviscerate her presence."

"Do you have the power to do that?" Alec asked.

"No, but I will." Magnus smiled "In the Book of the White, I found a synthesis spell that'll allow me to temporarily channel the magic of other warlocks."

"How many warlocks?" I asked, crossing my arms across my chest.

"I'll need at least about a two or three dozen to match Lilith's strength. I'll have to call in some favors, but this should work..." Magnus said and we all were relieve but Magnus' smile suddenly falls down to a frown "...there's just one tiny catch." he noted "We'll need the High Warlock's permission to organize something on this scale."

Lorenzo Rey. From what I heard, he's not particularly fond of Nephilims or any of Shadowhunters for that matter. How is he gonna help?


A smile plastered on my face as I take a sword from the weapons cache in my office.

"Magnificent." Lorenzo leered as I handed him a sword "Where did you find an authentic 16th century Castilian stiletto? I fought with one just like it in the Spanish armada."

"Actually, you fought with this one." I smiled.

"NO." he gasped in astonishment.

"The blade was in pieces but I was able to restore it back to its former glory." I said, he pulled the sword out of its sheath to admire it even more "You have incredible taste Lorenzo. I gift this to you as a perk for being our ally."

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