17 The Dark Side

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Lilith ordered Jace and I one last thing she need for the resurrection. A piece of Valentine's flesh. Valentine who's now buried at the Cemetery of the disgrace.

Problem is... that place is highly secured now so we need Nana's help... or at least her stele and fingerprint.

"You will talk to her? She doesn't like you enough to grant you a favor." I argued at Jace as we wait for Nana in her office.

"Your plan is stupid. It won't work." he scoffed, pacing around the room "Why can't you just use your mind control? It'll be a lot easier."

I scoffed a chuckle "And where's the fun in that?"

"You know, we don't exactly need her. You steal her stele and I will steal a finger." Jace continue to berate.

"As much as I love to see that, just shut up and let me do the talking."

Seconds later, her office door open as Nana enter. I put on my sweetest smile as I face her.

"Adi, Jace." Nana greeted in shock.

"Sorry for the surprised visit. I thought we should probably tell you the good news in person." I informed, dearly.

"What good news?" she asked with a smile.

"That we're cured. So, you don't have to worry about us anymore."

"That is so wonderful to hear. I'm glad." she gleamed happily but I notice a deception in her eyes.

"We do have a favor to ask though." I uttered gently, briefly looked at the ground.

"What's that?"

"Can you escort us to the Cemetery of the Disgraced?" I query, trying not to sound demanding.

"That's an odd place to go at this hour. Why?" Imogen asked, I glance at Jace for him to speak.

"I'd like to take this opportunity to properly mourn my parents." Jace said, trying to get her empathy.

"I would also like to pay respect for my father as well." I added.

"Unfortunately, bereavement visits needs to be pre-approved." Nana reasoned out.

Okay, she's making lose my patience.

"Can't you make an exception?" I groan, irritably "Isn't that why you cleaned the Herondale name? So you can sweep things under the rug?"

Oh, now, look at what you made me say!

"Well, of course I can make an exception." Nana said, slightly smiling. I was taken a back as I expected an admonishment from her like she would normally do so.

She knows...

She knows about us.

"Come. I'll take you to the cemetery now." she said as she walked past Jace and I.

Watching her closely, she immediately grab a blade off the wall. Jace quickly grab her hand in response and took the blade off her hand and swing it, cutting her thumb. Nana groan in pain. She fell, kneeling down while holding her mutilated hand.

"Told you it won't work." Jace sneered. I roll my eyes at him. Nana then attempted to press an alert button beside her desk but Jace stopped her "Uh-uh-uh. Not so fast."

I crouch down in front of Nana holding her shoulders "Say goodnight, Nana." I said before I punch her in the face. She landed on her back, unconscious "I always wanted to do that!" I cheered happily in satisfaction.

I then took her stele from inside her coat before Jace and I left the office and off to Cemetery we go.


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