13 Who's Going to be the First One to Say Goodbye?

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"Alec, I looked through everything Magnus has on de-possession. Nothing matches Morgan's symptoms." Lei said on the phone.

"All right. Thanks anyway." I said before ending the call. I put my phone down on the table. Before walking over the balcony on my office.

Staring at the park beside the Institute in utter, complete silent, it made me wonder what Maddie and Jace are going through. I've been pushing for them to seek help at the Silent City and now that they're finally considering it, I felt terrified on possible worst outcome this may create.

If she gets regarded unfit for duty, she will suffer the loss of all her title as a Shadowhunter. She'll be forced to early retire and live a life away from the work that she loves to do. She won't get deruned but she'll be out of the Institute. She could live in the manor, but most Nephilims who retire, lives in the countryside. They seek peace after a lifetime of service but of them are too young for that. They will loathe living that life. It's going to eat them alive.

I might lose my wife and parabatai all at the same time.

"Ahem. Is now not a good time, sir?" Kate suddenly spoke behind had interrupted my thoughts.

"No, it's fine." I said before turning around to face her "What is it?"

"I wanted to give you the list of students that I think are ready to be dispatched on the field." she said raising the folder on her hand.

"Great. Thank you." I walk over to her, taking the report that she handed me. I sat down on my chair to go through over the list. Expecting her to leave after that, she still standing by the door staring at me "Is there something else?"

"I, uh... actually just wanted to thank you for giving me a chance to prove myself again. I've been coned behind for over five years." said Kate "If it wasn't for you, I don't know if I ever would've been able to crawl up the hole I dug myself into."

Kate's a decent person. She just needed someone to believe in her again. I don't regret helping her even though ever since, she's very drawn to me. I'm just thankful Maddie wasn't the jealous type of girl. She's a lot, but she's above jealousy. Which is I admit, it's maddening... sometimes.

With Lydia, she wasn't so much as jealous to her but rather frustrated at me. Or maybe she was? If that was the case that was a very bland type of jealousy.

"No problem. It would be a shame obscuring up all your hard work."

"Your very inspiring, sir. Very amazing." she said with wide smile on her face. I just smiled at her, not wanting to prolong the conversation any longer.

"Sir, another mundane found again. Dead." a voice by the door suddenly spoke "Everyone is on patrol, juniors are full of caseloads, and none of the seniors are present."

"I'll take care of it." I said, standing up from the chair.

"Can I come with you?" Kate asked "You don't have a back-up."


Responding to the mundane attack, it turns out, it wasn't related to Owls incident. Just some good demon attack, the trouble was fixed right away.

As we're walking back to the Institute, a silhouette of a wraith demon was seen in an alleyway. Quickly retrieving out weapon we followed the moving shadow. Turning to corner, the pathway was split into two, Kate and I take each pathway in hoped one of them will lead to our target.

Reaching the end of the alley, I have seen no figure. When I turned around a larger than usual wraith demon roared before it threw me harshly into a wall. Still in shock, the demon flew towards me. Blue mystic wave of light emits from its hand as it pulls something from me — a piece of my soul.

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