22 Descend Into Hell

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"It's been hundreds of years since you banished your father. What makes you think he'll even listen to your request?" I asked as I watch Magnus carefully draw a pentagram using a dust black powder on the floor of his flat.

"Let's just say he owes me one." he replied glancing to the keris dagger on the table.

"For what happened with your mother?" I posited.

Magnus told me that when he was nine, his mother found out what his cat eyes meant. She couldn't live with the fact that she bore a son of the demon so, she killed herself with the very keris on the table.

"That... and for everything in the years that followed." he sighed, sitting up, looking at me "I was living on the streets. I didn't know who or what I was. Asmodeus took me in. Nurtured my darker impulses. And taught me the proper way to be a warlock."

Magnus was the one who found his mother dead, then his stepfather found them shortly after. Instead of consoling him, tell him everything is going to be okay... he screamed at him, blamed him, called him an abomination.

Magnus was child and couldn't control his anger so he burned his stepfather, killing him. That is what he told me he relived when he was tortured with Agony rune on Valentine's body. I never told anybody about this. It wasn't mine to share.

"Why'd you listen to him?"

"Because he was the only one in the world with eyes like me... he was my father." he said, finishing up the drawing.

"Is this safe? We don't even have Lilith under control." I worried, he stood up from the floor "If another Greater Demon gets loose, it could put the whole city at risk."

"Fortunately for the good people of New York, my father won't be traveling top-side." he explained, putting the container of the powder on the table.

"What aren't you telling me?"

"This pentagram isn't for summoning Asmodeus to Earth. It's for sending someone to Edom." he explain and I stared at him in disbelief "In this case, me."

"Absolutely not." I object.

"We need my father's help. And the cell service down there is terrible." he said, putting humor in the bad situation.

"This isn't funny!" I scowled.

"Would you prefer I act as terrified as I feel right now?"

"This is madness." I exhaled. He walked towards me.

"Tell me they're not worth it." Magnus asserted, holding both my hands "Tell me Maddie isn't worth it." he repeated, and I just stare at him. As worried as I am for him, we need them back "Let's get this over with."

Magnus turn around igniting the pentagram. A tall flame of fire ignites from it. He started to walk to it but I grab his arm.

"You're going to make it back. You hear me?" I said, slightly squeezing both of his arms.

"Why wouldn't I?" he snake his arm around my neck "Look what I have waiting for me." then kissed me passionately before going to the pentagram "I love you, Leonardo."

"I love you too."

MADDIE'S POV (same time)

"The heart is on its way, my son." Lilith said, caressing Jonathan's casket. She turn to face me, running her knuckles down my check "We all can finally be together."

A ding of the elevator door resonated, making us turn around to its direction. Opening of the door, we saw Jace and Clary finally arrive. Jace dragged Clary by her arms as they walk past all the 30 disciples lined up in the room.

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