04 Change of Phase

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Today was any normal day. Despite the mishap at Alec's office last night, I was able to sleep peacefully without any nightmare. The only thing I'm looking forward to this day is a party.

Lei had asked me earlier morning if I could come with Magnus instead of him, since him and his department are on overtime.

Let me just say, Alec was so pleased by this news when I told him during lunch. He said and I quote 'A party would be good for you. You've been looking a lot stressed lately'.

I really don't know whether I should be delighted or be insulted by that.

The Security team is currently busy searching for the Asmodei. Alec feared that, what happened with Tim Dempsey is related to them. Which made sense ― once the Demons passes through the rift, they're here to stay until they're properly banished. So, they couldn't have been 'just' gone.

"Well... here we are." Magnus announces as we enter a mansion.

A party indeed ― as soon as we enter, several Warlocks spotted me. I can't help but noticed their grimaces and unfriendly stare.

"Are you sure bringing a Nephilim here was a good idea?" I whispered at Magnus "I'm starting to think Lei might have dodge a bullet."

"Of course. It's better than coming here by myself." said Magnus. I shoot him a glare "I'm joking. You're not just a Nephilim, dear. You're a Legion.. they'll love you."

Love me? Based on the stare that I'm getting.. that is the last thing in their list of emotions.

"Oh, just because you're the only Shadowhunter at a party full of warlocks doesn't mean you can't have fun." Magnus said, noticing that I'm a little tense.

I scoffed "Trust me, I love a good party as much as the next person but besides you, I don't know anyone here. And you've known these people for centuries."

"And you think that's a good thing?" Magnus asked, raising an eyebrow at me "Believe me, I don't want to be here any longer than I have to, but it's tradition for the outgoing High Warlock to pass the baton onto his..." Magnus eyes hostility pointed on the gentleman talking to someone beside a very beautiful swan ice sculpture "...replacement."

"Is that him?"

"The one and only. Lorenzo Rey, the new High Warlock of Brooklyn." Magnus grimaces, displeased in his voice.

"Magnus!" Lorenzo called, noticing his presence. Magnus started to flee, hoping to avoid him but I stopped him "Magnus Bane. You made it..." Lorenzo greeted, approaching us then he looked at me, smiling "...and you brought a friend." he noted then he handed us drinks.

"Hi. I'm-" I start.

"Maddie Starkweather-- oh! Forgive me, I mean Lightwood." Lorenzo finished "Lorenzo Rey." he introduce, holding out his hand for a handshake but then he brought my hand up to his face and kiss my knuckles.

"Pleasure." I gestured, politely.

"I'm guessing I'll be seeing more of you during your Institute's Downworld Cabinet meetings. No hard feelings. Right, Bane?" Lorenzo mocked Magnus with a snide smile.

"On the contrary, I'm very content in my new position. Being the High Warlock is a thankless job. Long hours, little pay... but I'm sure that doesn't matter to someone as young and civic-minded as yourself." Magnus roast with a smile.

Lorenzo sneered "Oh, don't be so jaded. I may only be 484, but I'm no stranger to service. All those years working for the High Warlock of Madrid have prepared me well."

"High Warlock of Madrid? Ferdinand Lane?" I asked.

"Familiar with Fred?" Lorenzo questioned.

"He was a colleague and close friends with my mom."

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