11 While You Were Sleeping

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Casually entering the Institute, Jace and I divide and conquer. I will shut down the security cameras in the detention level so Jace can de-possessed Morgan without anyone knowing that the Owl 'demon' can infiltrate the Institite. After all, a demon can't supposedly enter its holy ground.

Actually, I was planning on shutting down the whole operation on the Institute. Turning the circuit line here into sand.

Oh, yeah... I can manipulate matter now.

With every matter or object, I have the power to change it or destroy it at the will of my very hands. That is how Jace and I temporarily disguises our face as well as our clothes when we're on a mission. We can't be identified with our garments.

I found about it because Lilith told me that some Legions can do that. So she forced me until I perfected it... and I was very thankful. I just wished it didn't took a toll on her when she tortured-- I mean taught me.

It was very stressful time for her.

"Hey, Maddie. I was wondering if it's not too much trouble, if you could help me with muay thai training this afternoon. I saw some of your techniques I'm not familiar with, I would love it if we can teach those to others." I heard Andrew spoke.

I was navigating an Ops camera to find a safe isolated place to do my thing. I ignored his inquiry, continue going with the mission.

"I guess that's a no." Andrew said before walking away.

"Maddie." a faint voice called.

Oh, what now?

"Maddie, where have you been?" the voice spoke again.

I continue to ignore just like I did with Andrew, but the touch of the person spinning me to him had snapped me from trance I was just in.

What happened?

How am I here?

When did I get back home?

"I've been calling you all night. You had me worried." Alec uttered as he look down at me, worriedly "Where have you been?"

"I..." I gasped as I look around my surrounding, confusedly "...have no idea." my eyes landed by the elevator, seeing Jace and Clary talking too. Then I gazed back at Alec "I don't even know how I got back here."

"What do you mean?"

"The last thing I remember, I was... I was fighting Jonathan in the club, but I-I think he subdued me somehow."

"You're sure you saw Jonathan there?" Alec asked and I nodded "Jonathan isn't one of the Owl. Both Lei and Clary got them with electrum cuff, it didn't burn."

"What? That's impossible. I'm having nightmares-"

"They're not signs." Alec countered softly, holding my arm "Jonathan is dead."

"I saw him, Alec. He was there." I gritted my teeth, insisting. Alec sighed before hugging me.

I saw him. I know I saw him three times while I was awake. In the bar, in the pent, and last night in the club.

I'm not crazy...

"We need to get help." Alec spoke softly in hugs.

I pushed away from the hug "Alec we've been through this already. I'm fine."

"No, you're not!" Alec grim, slightly raising his voice at me "You're not sleeping. You're seeing a dead person. You don't even remember where you've been all night."

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