12 More than Meets the Eye

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Jace told Clary while I told Alec that we decided to go to the Silent City for treatment. The Silent Brothers are known to have a history of helping Shadowhunters with these kinds of issues. But seeking help there holds a bigger risk. If the treatment doesn't work, we'll be deem unfit for duty and we will be forced to early retire.

Needless to say, Clary's objecting. Her theory was this is all connected to the Wish. She asked that we give her a day to figure this out. Now, Clary will try to contact Ithuriel in hopes of helping us as his blood runs in our veins — basically making us his children.

Yes... cause apparently Angels are reachable beings.

Note the sarcasm.

Regardless, we agreed. If in a day, nothing's changed. We'll put out the request later tonight.

I don't even care that the Owls, have over 26 victims and 26 possessed already. This might will be the very last day of freedom before going into the loony bin. I'm going to take a personal day off. Jace will do as well.

Where? I don't know.

My husband is also contemplating what this decision may cause. I know it's his idea, but I think right now is the only time he fully grasped what this means... he needed time to think, and honestly, so do I.

"Look, I have no idea what you're talking about! I'm telling you, I never canceled this gig!" I watched as Simon pleaded to a woman who run the concert gig in the Hunter's Moon "Come on, please. I really needed that money."

The woman just ignored him. Accepting defeat, he sat by the bar two seats away from me as I'm drinking whiskey.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I was supposed to play a show tonight, but my manager called and canceled... except I don't have a manager." Simon stated, sounding funny "I think Russell and his goons are trying to sabotage me. It could be Raphael. Or the Seelie Queen. You know, everyone kind of hates me at the moment. Even my sister's boyfriend is shunning me which is upsetting because we used to have D&D Thursdays."

I didn't know Rebecca has a boyfriend.

"What is D&D?"

"You know, Dungeons & Dragons...?" Simon's gaze snapped at me. Then he starts babbling "It's a role-playing fantasy board game where you can create characters and tell story through quest and battles using dice to determine the-- okay, I'm going to stop talking now."

Thank goodness.

"Oh, no. Just when things got interesting?" I sarcastically commented "Alright, so, what did you do? Why is everybody precluding you?"

"You remember the symbol I showed you?" Simon asks, I nodded "Well, the Seelie Queen did some plant magic on my forehead, and now it's a mark that blasts anyone who tries to hurt me."

That mark he asked me about couple days ago. I have never read it in the books, that's why it's not familiar. Or who knows? Maybe brain is slowly deteriorating. Maybe I already know the answer, but I just couldn't remember.

"Someone is definitely messing with you the only way they can." I conjectured before chugging all my drinks content "Since, I have nothing better to do... how about I figure this out for you?"

"Really? Aren't you like really busy with Shadowhunting thing business?"

"Not at the moment, no." I said then my phone rings "Excuse me, one sec." I walked away before answering Izzy's call.

"Can I borrow a dress? I need something appropriate to wear."

"Is that another way of saying my clothes are dull?" I snide, jokingly.

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