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The truth:the risk

Taehyung felt like a deer caught in light when Jungkook raised his brow unamused at his quick answer and Taehyung knows the man is no one to try and deceive and the pretty male can't also understand why his mouth was so fast with spitting lies , maybe if you had lived off the firmness tone behind Jungkook's face was enough for Tae to nod his head without thinking twice , the CEO pinch his nose and Taehyung can tell from the man expression that he's really getting piss off .

"Five minutes conversation and you're already lying to me , I hope that won't repeat itself.and I actually have no problem with whoever you have in your life but the moment you agreed to this deal, you are not allow to have any sexual activity with any other person except me ".Taehyung eyes went wide at that , he could skip Charles but what about hansung ? Taehyung knows he have to settle off the loan before thinking of getting an apartment of his own but he can really worry about that later so he nods his head .

"And during the time you're still with me , I will like of you refrain from any sort of marks on your body and of course except from the hickeys I might make during our section. because I won't want a situation where someone inside here might think I am abusing you one way or the other, so avoid getting into fight with anybody ". Taehyung felt like Jungkook has seen all his life through his eyes because how was he suppose to resist hansung of sex and not come out with marks ? , Can his life more messed up than this ?.

So again he nods .

"Do you pay the loans weekly or monthly?". Jungkook asked and Taehyung finally have something that doesn't make him curse his life in ten different languages, at least the man haven't forget about the main problem that shifts him here , so a cup of yoghurt for him.

"Weekly".he replied shortly and Jungkook hummed before pushing a paper and pen forward to tae who look up at the man's eyes confusedly.

"Write down the Loan amount and how much you had paid from it , then I will divide it into twenty ?so we settle that in twenty weeks". Jungkook said rubbling through his drawer like he was looking for something but pause he felt gazes on him , he look up at taehyung who was staring at him like he had said something bad .

"Did I say something bad ?". Jungkook asked genuinely confused the boy did seem like he just saw a ghost flying above his head ."nothing is wrong apart from you trying to pay the loan of 250k dollars in twenty times , like I am not selling myself to you Mr".tae mutter rudely and Jungkook push his tongue against his cheeks before smacking his palm harshly against the table causing Tae to flinch at the sudden sound .

"I don't give a fuck even if it's 100m dollars but don't ever use that tone with me anymore Taehyung, be bratty in another way as you pleases but don't ever be rude to me .do you understand?". Jungkook let out through his gritted teeth and Taehyung find himself nodding instantly as he was too scared to even open his mouth , gosh this man is truly a devil.

"And as I said already, I will pay the money twenty times because I can't possibly give such amount of money to you just once .teenagers can't be trusted ,which level of education do you stopped ?". Jungkook said now using his calm voice and Taehyung finally concluded the man is indeed bipolar.

"High school".Tae Mumble still afraid of the man that might turn devil in one second and a gentle man the next second , so unpredictable and scary if you ask Taehyung .

"I will contact a friend from Seoul university maybe you can take an entrance exam now , if he says yes then I will text you later for next move . you can study any sort of course you wishes but I will really be impressed if you don't play with the studies because it's not your money ,and your dressing style is nice but you won't mind having your type of style in more presentable outfit right ?". Taehyung can't really believe this man , he's all willingly to settle his loan off and also send him to school ? Jungkook haven't even talk about the main topic on how he's going to start returning the man's favour to him .this is going too smooth and the pretty is kinda concerned .

"And about accommodation , let's talk about that later after I speak with my friend and know maybe you'll get a space in the dorm. Anything else I haven't mentioned about ?". Jungkook mumble and Taehyung wonder why he wasn't giving some papers to sign, at least he had read somewhere online that he have to sign contract but this man was saying everything with his mouth .maybe it's fraud .

"E-hrm am i suppose to be coming to your house for u-h work- yeah work ?".Tae asked because he wasn't really ready to drag his non-existent pride on floor by saying sex for money with his mouth again .

"I am not a sex freak you know , just for messed up time where I get angry and close to loosing my mind and yeah you just have to make yourself available anytime I call you and don't worry I'll try not to disturb if it was your class moment". Jungkook chuckle and Taehyung will like to use Google real fast maybe someone chuckle can make you down wet , damn this man is hotttttt with a lot of T .compare to Jungkook ,Taehyung knows his taste in men sucks , well not Charles part because that man look gorgeous.

"And Taehyung you've to keep our relationship a secret , most people thought it was for me but it is for you own safety .I have a lot of enemies on this business field and if they kinda find out I am having affairs with someone , they might kidnap the person and tries to blackmail me with it .imagine getting kill because of you sugar daddy , angels in heaven won't think twice before throwing you down the pit of hell". wow Taehyung was impressed , Jungkook and his mom have something in common. Jungkook make a joke right now , and Taehyung knows his own mama had made a joke twenty years ago and that joke is the one currently sitting infront of Jungkook.

"I am too young to die anyways and this isn't like a proud something that I will go around announcing to everyone , my dignity might be lost but I can still feel it somewhere inside me".Tae bit his lips back because really Jungkook just warn him about talking rudely to him and again he was doing the same thing under minutes , guess his lips really don't want this progress .when your body organs works against you .

Jungkook hummed shaking his head.

The CEO push the bundle of cash towards Taehyung whose eyes went wide as he look up at Jungkook then the money back , he haven't starts work then why is he getting money ?.

"I am currently busy and won't have time to take you for some shopping but I can do that later on my own , so use the money to get some few more presentable clothes incase you're coming here next time or want to take entrance exam .you have to look presentable to avoid getting bullied in school and also eat well and maybe get some tiny bit of jewelries , just make use of it". Jungkook said and Taehyung nods because he knows if he was to open his mouth, he will spit nonsense.

"T-thank you".Tae Mumble picking the money up and stuff it inside his pocket .

"You're welcome Taehyung ". Jungkook replied with an amused smile and Taehyung wonder what he has done that get the man amused .

"If you have somewhere to be you can start going but if not , you can stay here as much you want ". Jungkook said already looking down back to the files he was sorting out earlier before Taehyung came , the pretty male knows he have to go the work right now even if he's going to resign he have to make sure of the deal he's currently into will be intact.

"I have work right now".he mumbled and Jungkook hummed before looking up again from files, he pushed his phone to tae after unlocking it and told the boy to enter his contact which he did before they finally bid byes to each other .

Taehyung can only hope this will be the beginning of his better life .


Just like the announcement in the beginning of this story. The complete story is available on my buymecoffee account with extra chapters, the link is in my bio and you can request for a new one in dm if that doesn't work for you💜

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To everyone who has read the story , thanks so much. Keep in mind I have never and will never take your support for grounded💜 keeping every single readers close to my heart dearly because you all meant a lot to me💜

Sorry for mistakes

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